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hallo dears

jesus louise fuck it's been a couple serious days.

waking up at 6 am every day and have barely had time to pee. the weinstein video is coming out in about 48 hours, it feels like christmas. the last-minute LA screenings are filling up really well: the 9 pm slot is full and there's still a few seats for 9:45 and 10:30. if you can come...really, DO. (tickets: https://m.bpt.me/event/3635263



i need to ask you something.

the photo attached to this post is a crop from one of the BEAUTIFUL shots that kahn & selesnik took for the album/book artwork for the upcoming record - which now has an official title, but i'm not ditching.

i was considering calling it "all the things", but i came up with something better.

but it is, still, in theory, all the things.

all the death (hooray!), all the birth (whee!), cancer (yeah!!), miscarriage (yahhh!!!), and abortion (whoohoooo!!).

i mean, it's one damn CHEERFUL RECORD.

i have ONE more photoshoot to go, in about a month, and i WOULD LIKE TO INCLUDE ALL OF YOUR SOULS IN THE ARTWORK.

i thought for a while about how to possibly do this and i had long talks with nicholas kahn about how we could possibly represent 11,000 patrons, visually, on this record and in the book.

a list of names is fucking boring, people.

so we came up with an idea.





 the plan is to have a huge collection of personal "things" that are ready to be released/sacrificed/set out into the ether.  

you're going to mail this stuff to me in the post. it's gonna be a lot of work for the team,, but we're READY. WE HAVE A LOFT IN NEW YORK BETCHES.

so whatever you are ready to be rid of in your life.....a letter that you no longer want to keep, a tacky mug from your abusive ex that you no longer want to look at, a high heel that you wore to prom that represents nothing but pain, a gift-book from your estranged ex-wife that's been haunting you....ANYTHING that you're READY TO LET GO OF, i'm at your service. i will take your THING and incorporate it into a giant artwork, and photograph and film it and it will be cathartic as fuck.  

your THING will never be returned. it will likely be burned.

you can alternately CREATE something that represents letting go: a piece of paper, an origami, a knitted vagina, sky's the limit. get creative.

if you're creating: things that are red, white, grey, or black are helpful but it's not necessary.

please pay CLOSE attention to the details below if you want to pile your thing on the pyre. 

we ain't gonna say it twice.

1. make sure you are really really willing to never see this thing again except in a photograph, you ain't gettin' it back.

2. please, PLEASE nothing bigger than about 12"x12"x12" (or 30cmx30cmx30cm for you non-americans). this is really crucial. we would love to be able to burn a life-size effigy of your ex, but we have to be able to transport it, too. think of michael and his back problems. 

3. please check that what you're sending is LEGAL and SAFE. 

4. IMPORTANT: send it NO LATER THAN november 1st (but earlier if you can!!) to:

K&S Photoshoot

c/o 8ft Records

67 West St #223

Brooklyn, NY 11222

5. breathe a sigh of relief as you send your thing out to be sacrificed on the alter of ART





p.s. in happy news, i took a couple hours off last night and had dinner with tony hawk (who is an old school dresden dolls fan) and lizzie armanto, who's a new fan and found me through tony. you can see a little clip of us together HERE. 

dude. they are, like, the best skateboarders in the world. they explained the fact that skateboarding is going to be an olympic sport now. i sat there with my jaw on the floor. 

i can't believe how lucky i am sometimes. i took lizzie back to my air bnb and showed her the weinstein video. she'll be at the screening. i feel like i'm threading together the universe. next up: all-nude feminist skateboarding videos. i'm on it.





Sending it now! Breathing this sigh of relief

Jas Bevan

i was planning on doing a post office run tomorrow morning. this is the perfect timing.


My pics are on their way! Burn those fuckers ;-)! Very HAPPY to be part of this, I can already feel its catharsis working sunny love from little Belgium


Packed. Note written. Thanks for getting this shit out of my house and my head.


It's in the post. At last. Turned out to be a harder task than I thought it would. The first thing, I thought, “It's been 30 years in the closet, it's gotta go,” but in the end it turned out I loved it too much. It made me promise not to put it back in the closet, and show it a good time to make up for not going to New York to die. So I've sent the second thing. A mere 20 years in the closet. It speaks of the kind of man I was then. And I wasn't even that kind of man when I was. Turned out I was pretending. So much happier to see it go.


Stuff on its way from me to you. Last remnant of the man who tore my heart to shreds. It’s such a meaningless thing. But yet so meaningful. My eyes have sprung a leak.


Just mailed my thing(s), even though I'm like a 20 minute subway ride from the place. Sent in two records. Great, great music, highly recommend listening to them (esp "dogs"), I just can't deal with the reminder of one of the members who used to be a friend before he transformed into a douche. Also, both records are not the standard black. One is a mottled green and black, the other red and black (iirc). Feel free to break, melt, or otherwise maim.


Two THINGS are on their Way. Hope they'll arrive In Time

Zena Darling

Last minute thing will be posted tomorrow. Coming from Ohio, so should be there in time!

Emily Stothard

Oh man, I've totally forgot to do this and I'm in the UK, so it'll not get there in time if I post it today. Dag nab it.


^ I forgot too & am gutted now! Sigh.


Is it too late to send stuff for this ??!