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(public post)

hallo from the studio my loves 

let’s do this:

**LATE BREAKING** i have decided to hold a public screening for the “mr. weinstein will see you now” video here in LA, THIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, at the DOWNTOWN INDEPENDENT.

the video comes out the next morning (oct 5th) to the world wide internet. (if you're new to the patreon, you can listen to the song and read about the backstory here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mr-weinstein-see-18664353
and here's a behind the scenes look of the music video just after we filmed it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harvey-weinstein-20294284 )

i wasn’t going to, but then kavanaugh happened. and i’m getting enough done in the studio, and…fuck it. i want to be together with everybody in my community to experience this moment.

without exaggerating, this is the most powerful video i have made in my entire career and i wish it weren’t getting more relevant by the second, but it is. so let’s get together, use this opportunity to talk and rage and commune, and LET’S DO THIS.

the downtown independent (about whom i hear awesome things from the locals) has agreed to host us on ALMOST NO NOTICE.

the event will be FREE to the public but you will need to follow the link (below) to grab a ticket so we can get a headcount. there is a maximum of 2 tickets per person to prevent people from snapping them all up. please, please be ethical and don’t grab a ticket unless you are 1000% sure you can attend. otherwise you’re a ruiner.

the cinema only fits 200 people.

there will be three screenings (9pm, 9:45pm, and 10:30pm) and each will last about a half hour: the video is 6 minute and then we can all process, talk, share and reflect.

if the tickets all vanish quickly we can add a fourth and fifth screening but i think this’ll be just about right.


don’t hang out in the lobby (there are hundreds of people, there won’t be room) and don’t leave trash in the cinema! these folks at the downtown independent are bending over backwards to accommodate this crazy last-minute thing. be really nice & show them how fucking awesome this community is.

please spread the word about this. i am not taking it to the media, because as much as i don’t want to sound like donald trump, i’m gonna for a second: fuck the media. none of the heavyweights - even the so-called feminist ones - had the balls to premiere this video.

doesn’t matter.


here’s the link to the screening tickets:


share it far and wide, and i’ll see a lot of you on thursday night.



ps $25+ patrons, you’ve got an email coming - watch for it 


Amanda Palmer

LATE BREAKING** i have decided to hold a public screening for the "mr. weinstein will see you now" video here in LA, THIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, at the DOWNTOWN INDEPENDENT. the video comes out...



I lived in LA for half a second in the 90s, and have never wanted to return....until now 💗


this post doesn't appear to be public, although it says (public post) at the top. was going to share it with non-patron friends.


Feeling it! And cannot wait to share the video with everybody I know BUT please have a nice long sleep soon, I saw your Instagram live video earlier today and you looked absolutely exhausted, gorgeous as ever, but exhausted. Power napping is also an option.


I wish I lived closer and work wasn’t so crazy right now. Guess I’ll have to wait till it goes public. Thank you for doing this for all of us. Hugs


Is anyone in the high desert or inland empire and up for a carpool???


Are you still planning to have ninja gig while you’re in Los Angeles?


I don't know how tf I'm going to survive such a long day, but I'm so going! Already got two tix for me and my friend. 💚


I wanted to be there so bad on Sunday. I had the opportunity, but it was you or my mom, and mom had dibs. I’m there on Thursday night. Will you sign my ukulele if I bring it, or no time? I’m in for the 10:30 screening.


Is anyone else super anxious about listening to this song? I even made myself read the lyrics, but I'm scared to listen; I can't cry anymore this week. (Yes, it's only 22 minutes into Wednesday, as I write this...) I will muster up the courage soon. I promise.


I am. I’m going to listen tomorrow in the privacy of my home so I’m marginally prepared on Thursday


It’s not an easy subject, and from reading the lyrics she hit the nail on the head, as she often does. I expect I’ll be crying tomorrow. It’s not been a great week. Hopefully we both have a better week soon. ❤️


I wish you all a great time at these screenings!


What a great idea - I wish I could be in LA to be part of this community. Will there be any shared content from the discussions? This is just what we all need right now. Thank you!