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i mean - it's an incredible option for a holiday photo.

but it has boobs.

not like a drawing of boobs, but my actual boobs.

if i may say so, it's a fantastic photo, and not just because boobs.

you're the ones who are gonna be getting this in the mail.

you tell me.

they're pretty tasteful boobs 

but, you know, grandma.

but also, patriarchy!!!!!

i dunno. let's take a poll.


how much do i love typing "boobs" that many times in an email

ALSO: art in the mail people...i'm about to ask you about socks.

it's that kind of day.

ALSO GOOD MORNING i am heading into the studio and I HAVE LESS PHLEGM!!!! wheeee



Draw lil santa caps on the nipples.


I single-handedly brought at least 500 individual boobs to a beach in the North of England on Sunday. I say boobs. Always boobs! ;) <a href="https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-tyne-45618269/north-east-skinny-dip-swimmers-brave-sea-for-charity" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-tyne-45618269/north-east-skinny-dip-swimmers-brave-sea-for-charity</a>


The world needs more boobs. And less violence.

Kate Michmerhuizen

Your card, your self expression. Will I put it on my mantle, hell-yeah!


Yes, yes, to boobs and weirdness and self expression and goofy christmas cards! Always!


Yes to boobs. Yes to ALL the boobs :-D


I need an option for "It's a little weird, but what's wrong with a little weird?"

Gaba Kulka

There are plenty holiday/winter cards with tits on them, so why not?


Yes to boobs!


I knit socks and nobody wants them. Do you like knitted socks?


That is an amazing video (important cause and wonderful charity work) and I just wanted to say how awesome you are! I love the normalisation of human bodies just being 'bodies that people happen to have' instead of commodities. Every healthy exposure and experience feels cumulative. xxx


Ohhhhh Katt thank you! For noticing. And commenting. It really was an incredible success this year! Mucho gratitude and love &lt;3

Nico Padden

please for the love of all that is holy, PUT THE BOOBS ON THE CARD. for all of us who are not amanda fucking palmer and probably could not get away with it &lt;3


Do you like boobs a lot? Yes I like boobs a lot! Why do you like boobs a lot? Gotta like boobs a lot! They're big and round, they're all around.....