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(patron-only post)

hallo loves.

$5/bonus content folks, i owe you a post with some "house of eternal return" goodies. it's en route.


you know that i'm in the studio and lonely and frustrated when i decide to do something that has nothing to do with my record, or anything else that's important right now, and decides this morning on twitter to start a book club. i'll post about it soon, i have many ideas. 

you all IN? who's in? 

tap out some ideas...but i'll put together a bigger better Book Club post when i have time in the next few days.


here is a round-up of my feelings on twitter:

and a small conversation with neil, which made me dance and cry:

you know that neil and i aren't around each other when we tweet at each other a lot. 

@amandapalmer if you aren't already following.


oi vey.

it's been a frustrating few days. i landed on monday night, a week ago, in LA, and i had a wicked, wicked headcold. i almost puked in hte car to the air bnb and collapsed, i was too dead to move for about a day. i'd just been pushing too hard on the other end. luckily, i had two full days off. that was tuesday and wednesday. we were supposed to start thursday. i slept. i hydrated. i drank the teas. i slept more. i limped to a yoga class and rolled around. i ate all the garlic. 

it wasn't enough. i asked john if we could start the recording a day late. we put off the piano rental. (the studio that we're using doesn't come with a nice grand piano - we are renting one at a grand a day, no pun intended).

it wasn't enough. i got into the studio on friday and my nose was still running and my voice was at about 60% capacity. we tried tracking a few things, but there's almost nothing we can do on this record without recording the vocals live. we were screwed. we slogged along, trying to do piano takes without the vocals and failing.

i spent a lot of time blowing my nose. after slogging through friday and saturday, we decided we were just wasting time and wearing me down, so...we took yesterday off. i slept 11 hours. i ate some soup. i soaked in a tub. i made a chiroparctor appointment. i tried to answer some email. i tried to finish writing a song for the record in my head. my head is not co-operating.


someone here introduced me to mucinex. it's weird. but it works.


this is me, in the studio, pretending i am screaming. i am not screaming.

it's weird.

when it's the record label's money, it all feels different.

when it's your own $3,000 going down the drain because there is a huge 8 foot piano sitting there, paid for but not getting used, it's way more damn frustrating. 

but there's also this:

i have been feeling very differently about this record for so many reasons.

first of all, this is the first solo SOLO record i've made since Who Killed Amanda Palmer, when i was all on my own-some at ben fold's studio in nashville bak in 2007. i remember it now, that lonely feeling.

making a solo record is lonely. it's really quiet in there.

john and i track, and we talk, and we eat, and really nothing else happens. it's like constant crickets.

second of all: 

this music is so fucking sad. i have to keep us entertained. so there are a lot of filthy jokes going from the studio to the control room all day. it is the only way i can survive all the sad.

we talked a lot today about the "peak emo" moment of "bigger on the inside" and i drew a chart for john. 


but also.....third of all.

this is the first - big, solo - record i am making while on patreon.

i am so aware that all of this is happening by the Grace of You. the food i eat, the lovely little casita air bnb i am staying in, the kale i cook as i wake by my lonesome at the crack of dawn (i'm still jetlagged). 

the piano rental. the cost of john, and the studio.

all of it. it's being funded by you.

it feels different, somehow, than the kickstarter...that was all a moonshot, i made the record before i created the kickstarter to put it out.

this time....we're all in.


i bought a bluetooth speaker for practicing.

you can peek at the songlist there on the piano....if your eyes are good.

i am also hoping to do a webcast from the studio - and i think i'll make this one an OPEN webcast to the whole patreon for a change - not just to the webchat tier, because you are all so instrumental in this moment.

webchat tier - i'll make it up to you somehow :)


meanwhile....wish me luck in there.

we slog forth tomorrow.

please remember how much your patronage means to me...it's the wind beneath my goddamn wings here in the studio as i figure out how to make this record as amazing as i know it can be.

it's a hard one to make.

peak emo 4eva.




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Kim Cofield

Yes to book club


So excited to hear new sounds and perspectives :) Sending ginger and turmeric energy?? Haha. Echinechea. Deep breathing. Crying. We luv you xo Excited to be here~


Fuck! I’m late. Book Club- Fuck Yes! I know all about having your body force you to change plans. It sucks hind tit big time. But. Once you burn thru the frustration and adjust to the slower pace it affords you a perspective you couldn’t see when you are full steam ahead. I wish you all the things all the time. You are one of my favorite humans, that I hope to give a patent pending Boob Crushing Hug to in Tucson.


Feel better my dear! If you can get hold of the following: Practitioner grade Liquid Eccinacea, 1000 strength Vitamin C, Olive leaf Extract 15 ml per day - these 3 natural weapons will kick flu butt. xxxxxxxxx


I wish I was on the Tweety, but my account was hacked too many times so I deleted it.


If you take mucinex be sure to drink lots and lots of water otherwise you will turn in to a desiccated raisin. Word.


Oh my god! Yes, book club, yes!!! I dies for a book club. I have discovered so many gems by being in book clubs that push me out of my tendency to simply reread favourites. Currently absolutely in love with a crowd of like minded individuals in my industry who are sharing the business/management/etc. type books they love and have been learning *so much*, and I neither own nor manage my own business. (and, this crowd is also the reason I picked up your book! <3 ) ANYHOW. I will keep an eye out for more information, definitely intrigued :)


Sitting on a porch in Barbados, middle of the afternoon, feeling the remnants of last night's tropical storm while the Kavanaugh bullshit plays on the TV in the living room. We can't hear it, but I can see the headlines when I look inside. Your Patreon posts help cheer me up, even when you're sick and frustrated. I've been feeling politically frustrated, like there's something I could do with all of my knowledge and professional experience, but I don't know what or where or for who. Going to check out the group you're donating the proceeds of the wire art auction to, maybe they can use a volunteer with my skill set. Thanks for mentioning them. :)


“Voicemail” is sticking out to me. Can’t wait to hear


I hope you’re getting better! Good luck with everything ❤️


Hello Amanda. I'm sitting at a small solid table my father (a genuinely good man who turns 80 this month) made for me, typing this out to you. The front edge of the wood has softened and rounded from my many hours of resting and writing and thinking in this very spot. I want to reach you and share something but I'm not sure if you will see this. I can hear the trucks rumbling over the highway and an early magpie running vocal exercises in the gum tree behind my house, dawn isn't here yet but it is on its way. I have stayed pledged to the Patreon but have been missing the action due to 'Stuff'. 'Stuff' is...well it's all of the energy-draining, heartbreaking, hope-killing, global-level negativity combined with all of the small intimate disasters, illnesses, losses and lacks. Stuff chokes up my thoughts and my throat and my lungs, it's suffocating and silencing, lonely and overwhelming. Stuff can take anyone over and make you think it is the only truth but I have found that there is a cure for that kind of feeling. It begins with listening to the rising tide of voices that are refusing to be silenced by fear, it is feeling the love and support offered by those who may not have stories to tell but are willing listeners and choose to be amplifiers. It continues with a kind of contagion, of kindness and compassion and shared determination to make things better. You make it easier to speak, to rise. You have helped me find my own voice to add to the tide. Oh, and Book Club? Hell yes!