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i am working on something today, it's studio day #2.

i have a task/question/thing. 

please don't feel you have to answer this. and if you aren't pro-choice, i'd skip this exercise. it just won't work. and if you're not pro-choice, for god's sake it doesn't mean you can't support my art.

here we go below:


if you have ever had an abortion, or have ever had a loved one, a friend or a girlfriend, or an ex-girlfriend, or a sister, or a cousin, or a daughter, or wife who had an abortion....or you could ever imagine such a thing....

...and you could arm that loved one with with one short message (let's say under about 12 words...no long letter, no paragraphs, DISTILL!) to take into the experience, what would those words be?

maybe thought experiment: if you could leave them on a voice message, or write them on a piece of magical paper that would accompany them into that experience...what would those words be? something to ground them, remind them, keep them safe....

i know many of you have had abortions. you may find it therapeutic to send that note to your younger selves.

and...thank you for doing this. i know it's kind of weird. but i need this sort of stuff to work to write, to think.

and please don't use these comments to argue about abortion politics. go to facebook for that. this here is just for poetry and art.

i love you. we're okay here.






"You're still a good person." ten years later, I still have no guilt.


For every change, growth beyond.


A little late to the party, but my message would be ... hey, K. You’re loved. It’s ok. I’ll be here for you, always. xoxo


What you're doing is one of the most sane things you can do: putting yourself first. There's a network of us, everywhere; you're certainly not alone.


You are not a sum of things people told you you've lost. <3


I am sorry and I am always gonna be here for you <3


I had an abortion 7 or 8 years ago, and the thought that was my anchor through that was that I was joining the ranks of women throughout time immemorial who have taken control of their own life story. Female bodied humans have been practicing "family planning" for millennia. I am just one of millions.


You are loved. You are worthy of that love. And you are not alone.


I've never been pregnant so have never needed an abortion. When I was 11 and 12, the only attention I got from my dad was when he took me to an abortion clinic to protest. I stood through the cold winters and held my sign and he actually conversed with me in the car there and back. Now I live a few blocks away, 25+ years later, from that same medical center, and I have been volunteering as an escort to help women feel safe entering the building past the protesters who are still doing their thing. Off-topic, but this is my abortion story: I made my own choice and am so happy to have the chance to heal from the judgement-based life i grew up with by helping other women with a smile and a friendly I'll-walk-with-you.

Nicole Ives

I would probably say: "You can only make one decision, and either decision will bring relief and regret in the long term."


dear mom at 19, thank you for not killing me even though your life would have been so much easier. we both fucked up alot but at least i was here to do so your son daniel


I am a volunteer clinic escort with the AZ Clinic Defense Force, and am creating an abortion doula program with Planned Parenthood Arizona. We are the ones in the neon pink vests that help patients get safely into the clinic with as little harassment as possible from the harassholes on the street and from the “nurses” at the crisis pregnancy center that shares a wall with PP. I also had an abortion at 14 after being horribly abused and raped. Thank you for this beautiful song.