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hello my dear patrons - 

very quick missive from the studio (i'm here hiding in a woodstock studio for three days to work on some album stuff, and some surprises, ho ho ho ho)....

remember back in 2010 when i got STUCK IN ICELAND FOR 24 HOURS AND DID A NINJA GIG? you don't?? go read my blog about it

it was insane.

i came, i saw, i tweeted, i ninja'd, i borrowed a piano, i drank icelandic vodka, I CONQUERED!!! 

and i promised to come back!!

and as fate would have it i carved out 3-4 days of toddler-free mom-vacation and decided that....well....iceland is techincally on the way to work in edinburgh (where i am doing four shows, and if you don't have tickets, GET ON IT!!!). so i just booked a ticket and bam, i'm coming. i have a few friends to connect with, but NOTHING PLANNED.

ill be there this wed thru saturday morning (aug 1-4th!) 

WHO IS THERE? do i have patrons in iceland? I WANT TO MEET YOU!!!

NINJA GIG IN KAFFIBARRIN?? anyone got connections there? any ideas for something else weird and fun we could do. are there any theatre things? musics? festivals? must-see spots? BARS I MUST INHABIT???

HIT ME HERE!!! i'm listening.

it would be great to do something thuesday or friday night (wednesday i'll be jetlagged). 

i'm staying smack in the middle of reykjavik.


love from the writing-cave....






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4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I went to Iceland once.. I'd love to go back! There's so much beautiful stuff to see and do! I even got to fly a Cesna for an hour (because I was so good at it!) :DDD


That’s a gorgeous picture! What a smile on your face!! AFP The Conquerer!!! xGx


Also: I just spoke to my dear friend/musician/DJ Kristinn (he goes by “KGB” and dj’s every weekend!) and he says: “Amanda Palmer will be most welcome 😀 depending on what she wants there are three nice options. 1. Kaffibarinn obviously. Probably smallest of the three. Best bar in reykjavik so no stage but very intimate and perfect for a gig like this. <a href="https://www.facebook.com/gudnyjonsdott" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/gudnyjonsdott</a> (she is the booker) 2. Kaffi Vinyl Vegan restaurant/cafe/bar. 2 yrs old. Good vibe and people. No stage but does small concerts sometimes. <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hhrolfsson" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/hhrolfsson</a> 3. Dillon. No frills Whiskey bar w slightly larger yet small upstairs live venue. Not sure who is booking atm. But i can find out.” Hope this helps!!!


I just realised I've been occasionally singing 'fuck the ashcloud' to myself for 8 years...


Update: If you are interested in a glacier-walk, hike up a mountain, visit a lava cave, go whale watching or puffin watching on a boat... let me know! Me and Borghildur (she's commented a few times here) work at a travel agency that specializes in activity-filled trips around Iceland and we would love to invite you to experience any sort of Icelandic activity you're interested in! Just let us know what you'd be most interested in and when you could make it and we'll hook it up! ;) Looking forward to seeing you &lt;3


My 16 year old daughter wants to go to college in Iceland, Emily's even doing crash courses in Icelandic, the girl's serious as a heart attack. She wants to do a week's visit in October around Columbus Day school break. We picked up a Lonely Planet guide to Iceland, it's amazing the nooks and crannies of that part of the world that are unlike anywhere else on earth, Emily's pretty seriously pagan as well, so there'll be plenty that's up her alley. My mom's even offered to accompany her, she just needs to not do anything to tick Grandma off in the next couple of months. If I can get time off work I want to go too.


I wish you all a magnificent time in Kaffibarinn or wherever you end up. As luck would have it, I am leaving for Italy on my family holiday on Wednesday. Skál!


Bryggjan Brugghús is a cool semi large bar that brews their own beers and has regular concerts: <a href="http://bryggjanbrugghus.is" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bryggjanbrugghus.is</a>


AMANDA WHAT. My sister and I are stopping in Iceland on our way home from Ireland and we'll fly back to the States Thursday early evening. If you had the energy to do anything in the morning in Reyk I'd 100% drag her!!


I recommend to visit Rosenberg club ♥ is awesome

Stefanie Oepen

Dillon is a great venue. Nice small stage, good sound. Have not seen concerts at the other two.


While keeping up a brave face, and totally loving how blessed I am with my family and the fact that I can go on holidays with them abroad, I am totally bummed by the timing. Sorry for offloading, but I had to to someones who understand how poorly I feel right now. (Everything else is going great, so no worries.)


It’s sadly closed now :( but another has just opened in it’s place, an Irish bar I believe, hear great things about it too so far!


You look amazing!!:)