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hello my loves.

i'm still recovering from brighton :)

and last night i went out dancing for the first time in ages (to this incredibly fun/wet/theatrical/dorky/dancey wonderful immersive version of bladerunner done up by the folks in secret cinema who i've known forever) and felt my body come alive. neil stayed home with ash and this morning i woke up and was confronted with the royal wedding (the brits are going nuts) as a strangely formal and surreal backdrop against which to read the harrowing news of more dead kids in america. shot dead en masse, again, by guns. 

i read the news with tears in my eyes and a few minutes later tuned into the royal wedding, which i sort of expected to just depress me.

but then by some bizarre turn of fate i tuned in JUST as michael curry, a black preacher, fucking THREW DOWN some seriously non-british-style compassion ALL-ONE business...and i was brought to tears even further. it's funny how things connect sometime. 

and for good measure:

history IS NOW, my friends....

it's now. 

i can only hope the light keeps fighting back the dark.

it's all so much.


speaking of the dark vs the light

i have a we-are-the-media favor to ask of you.

as threatened, i'm dropping a new song this week - on wednesday - called "Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now." it's a really powerful track. i don't know quite what it is. an anthem? a mini-opera? it's...really something.

as with many of these out-of-fucking-nowhere collaborations/patreon-driven songs, i am not doing a formal press release.

it will live the life it lives and reach the people it reaches outside of this patreon-cave because people share it (because it resonates) or don't share it (because it doesn't, or because people are too frightened to share it for weird reasons, which happens).


in this case i'd really like to send some advance warning to allies in the media. they don't need to be "feminist" media, just REAL journalists/websites/etc who will care about the existence of this track and give it the correct treatment. if you're friends with any of them (or you ARE any of them, as i know some of you are) and you want an advance listen to the track and look at the artwork, drop me a line in comments below with your outlet and email or send a message to management@amandapalmer.net and i/jordan/hayley will get on it. 

i'm playing norwich festival tomorrow and then i'll be back to london and then dublin: let journalist people know that i'm available for press to talk about the song. 

ALSO; any of you lucky ones coming to the secret LONDON patron-only shows on monday and tuesday will get a listen - i'll play it for you over the system (it doesn't work as a live track at the moment - i have no jasmine to duet with). AND DON'T FORGET WE ARE STREAMING THE SHOW just for patrons....on tuesday night at around 7 pm london time. prepare popcorn. i'll email the streaming info right before we go live. it's looking good. not sure the stream can or will include the song, the audio might not work, but we'll see.

i can't wait to share it with you. again, it all happened because of the beauty and bounty of the patreon. from thin air, came art.

we are the media, my loves.



more soon.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Every day I think, it’s got to get better. But it’s not. All the love to everyone whose heart is breaking. ❤️

Laura Wellner

I feel like I don't know where to put my brain on any given day. The joyous occasions are overlapping with the tragedies in rapid fire synchronicity, it's stunning. I want to retreat to my acre of the world and let it flow over and around us, but I know better than that...I can't ignore the world and live in it. Hug our loved ones tighter and love more. Love. (Looking forward to the new song, and all the things to come.)


That wedding address was really something, wasn't it? I want to print it out and keep it in my wallet.


As an open minded sceptic of weddings in general, that address was the one true highlight, (not that I watched it too closely but it caught my attention out of everything else). A great message sad in the fact it takes such an occasion to really get it noticed. Amanda - I have messaged you. :) (Sebastian)


cant wait for the drop!


Hi Amanda!


I am so proud to officially be one of your patrons and I am super excited to support your future ventures. ♡ This Texas shooting has hit closer to home than any before, my home state and the city next to mine recently stopped an attack in planning. This world is scary and I want to thank you for giving me and all your other fans so much beauty and honesty in this world. Thank you for being such a bright light


So happy to see the songs pouring out of you.


New here after your show yesterday in Norwich. Loved every minute x




Can't wait to hear it tonight!


It all connects. ❤️