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hello loves.


THE DRESDEN DOLLS are returning to LONDON this HALLOWEEN for two special 18th-Bandiversay shows at Troxy on OCTOBER 30th and 31st. a secret little warm-up show somewhere tiny tiny will likely be added and i'll keep you in the loop about that.

this is troxy, it's GORGEOUS:

our last shows in the UK/Europe were in 2006! and our last shows in london were two legendary nights at the roundhouse, which we filmed for a DVD. it's been TWELVE YEARS. goddamn.

the troxy fits 3,000 people, which means there are only a total of 6,000 tickets. and that's IT. no more shows in europe or UK will be announced - this is all. they will FLY.

the shows will have a ticket pre-sale starting on at 1pm BST local london time THURSDAY, MAY 17th. to get the pre-sale password, make sure you're signed up to The Dresden Dolls email list by wednesday (the cut off time to sign up is 11:59pm BST). a heads up - there is a limited number of tickets allocated for the pre-sale.

we JUST started a SPECIFIC email list for DRESDEN-DOLLS-ONLY NEWS, here:


to avoid confusion: if you're on the AFP email list, i'll almost always be sending out all dolls news there too...so if you already get emails from me, don't worry too much. but if you're SUPER HARDCORE and you want to be on both lists, knock yourself out!!! a reminder, my solo list is here. http://amandapalmer.net/emaillist

some background on that: after i went solo, the dresden dolls list became my list, and now has over 150,000 subscribers (!), which is why i send mailings only when i 100% gotta and do most of my rambling on patreon. 150,000 is a lot of peoples inboxes to annoy. 

brian pointed out that it's really only fair to start separating out our entities now that I am a Thing, He is a Thing, He has a Band, and on and on, and he's right. so let the healthy compartmentalizing begin!

after the pre-sale, the remaining tickets will go on sale to the public on MONDAY, MAY 21st. at 10am BST local london time (public tickets and more show information is available here: https://www.axs.com/uk/series/6408/the-dresden-dolls-tickets and as always, the latest links and details are up on the dolls' shows page: http://dresdendolls.com/shows). a heads up that if the pre-sale sells out, the show itself is not yet sold out.

if you're a guest-list tier patron ($75 or over), standby for more information on how this will work. these shows are small and they will sell out quickly, so to be eligible to claim a guest list spot you must already be in one of the guest list tiers at the time this show is announced (today). 




p.s. the photo is by kyle cassidy and was taken last month at the rubin museum. if you were at the rubin museum gig, you may recognize the women's bathroom.... 


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I cry because I don't get to see you guys live. Florida is such a sad place without you. Come back one day (within reasonable driving distance from Delray Beach, please!!!!)


I got tickets for the 30th but found the ticket site a bit of pain. I couldn't check the seats as the map didn't work so a bit disappointed with what I ended up with BUT I do get to see the Dresden Dolls so can't complain too much :-)


Oooooou yeeeees!!! I got two of them!!! For 31th, Halloween! So so happy! So exited!! Yeiiii :)


Sadly these are out of my price range at the moment :( I hope you have great fun with these and hopefully I'll have a job in time for the next ones!


I wanted to get tickets so much that I accidentally ended up with two tickets on both nights - when really I only wanted to go on the 31st. Is there anyone who missed out on the pre-sale who would like to buy two tickets for the 30th. They are Circle Block 1. Email me: gillianbolsover@gmail.com


My partner and I managed to get tickets and we are obviously excited about this. Although we thought they were a bit expensive for our income, I have a question. What the fuck is this service charge and why is it like. 9 pounds? And why can't we opt for getting a digital ticket? or it's me who's nuts & didn't see the step where I could have chosen? I'm sorry if I sound a bit disappointed, however some people don't have a big income and could have missed out because of all these extra charges. Maybe it would be a good idea to reevaluate the choice of ticket system/ providers in order to make the gigs more easily accessible to everyone (especially those of lower incomes). Last thing I want to say about this particular ticket site is that the entire selection of tickets what stressful as there was a timer counting down on each step, which made it more difficult for someone to actually pay attention to all these extra charges. I think that noone should have to worry about how they can buy tickets or what the additional charges are going to be.

Sallita Morales

That countdown timer is usual nowadays on certain websites or gigs that are really popular. Because demand for tickets is so high. Can get a bit angsty if things dont go smoothly.


I got a ticket ^^


And I’m stuck in Michigan US 😭


I got two tickets - one for me and other for tween with B-day on 10/6/18. Oh, and two BA nonstop tickets. Hubby: "you may be making a big mistake." Me: "but those are the BEST kind!! Double crossies, dude!" No matter how it unfolds - will be epic. (hope just hope I can keep darn mouth shut until b-day!!!!)


I tried to come to last Halloween's Dresden Dolls show in Boston. I was coming from England! Everything was booked and paid for. Hundreds of pounds!!! But my flight was cancelled and I didn't make it. I'm hoping I can get a ticket to this show on Friday after payday. Wish me luck and send good vibes people!


Just to say I have a spare ticket for the show on the 31st. They sold out so quickly I bought an extra one (at £72 GBP), but a lot of my close peeps have mental illness that make travelling to London a very big deal and currently definitely ONE TICKET is ready to get rehomed and I'd rather not resell them on vivagogo as it keeps suggesting I do! (this all got so complicated because I didn't get the email thingy ma jig as I must have not been signed up right, but I'm so excited to go it's gonna be grrrrrrreat.)


Yep good luck! I'm shocked the amount of my resources I sometimes find myself willing to exchange for art and things that have a social-emotional-political value to me, so I can understand how you wound up trying to undertake such a trip!


Three tickets for TONIGHT's show at the TROXY listed at Stubhub. I listed them at the value which including STUBHUB's fees will return only what I paid. SAD SAD that my trip from Boston had to be cancelled... hope someone wants them... If you want to purchase directly, I can sell at face value. I had 7 tickets and gave 4 away- need to recoup for the other three if possible... Hit me up right away