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(patron-only post) 


greetings from my london admin morning...a few blocks from union chapel where i've booked a rehearsal space for the day (they have a basement room with a piano, for those of you imagining me in the chapel, practicing on the pipe organ) and i'm doing my morning coffee & admin routine in this beautiful cafe down the street.

anyway, poll time.

holy shit, we have beautiful problems. 

i really (really) wasn't expecting the london party to sell out in an hour yesterday...i figured that with the # of patrons in the london area we'd probably picked the perfect space (about 300 capacity) to fit absolutely everybody who wanted a ticket.

now i feel BAD because obviously a handful of you weren't able to get tickets, and i also cavalierly didn't give you any warning that the tickets were going on sale, cos i thought we'd have plenty.

so, we have options!! i don't want anyone not to be able to come

1) book another show in the same space (or an alternate space) on a different date (possible the night before or after)

2) book an afternoon show in the same space (or an alternate space) at around 3-6 pm, on the SAME date (may 22).

please: ONLY VOTE on one of these options if you either DIDN'T GET A TICKET and would come to one of these, or you ALREADY BOUGHT A TICKET and are such a nut that you would buy a second ticket.

i'm also trying to get a true headcount for what size space to book. a space that fits 150 people is not like a space that fits 500...so help me out here.

i'll try to get this sorted within the next couple days.

maybe it'll take us to even more exciting spaces.....who knows, maybe if we do an afternoon show ASH CAN COME

off to practice






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4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

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Missed out on a ticket, no bloody internet connection at the time!!!! Would LOVE to come to an afternoon show on the same day or an evening show on another day - PLEEEEEASE!!!!!!


This is so generous of you!! I was crushed when I realised I’d missed tickets but this would be so great.


Please don't do this on the 23rd...


No vote from me but this is a great idea


I can’t vote cos I’m stuck in the US, but I wanted to say how much I admire you for always going the extra mile for your fans. We love you!!!


I'd love an afternoon show that I could bring my 4 year old too, and would swap my evening ticket for it.


Hi. Disappointed when it sold out, so second night would be cool. But what happens if some people want to see you twice and who could blame them.


Huh, I'm getting a little jealous over here on germany. Maybe I should move to London. An afternoon show sounds like so much fun. Enjoy!


Lol bookin shows like a beaaauuuuusttt. Urmagurd i hope things work da best and as many ppls get to see amanda palmstar as possibruu... ...... .... . . . . . u inspire me


I would come twice if time and money permitted :( these are the only times I hate living up North!


I've been trying to figure where to get the tickets for this. THIS show is the main reason I joined Patreon .


I’m selling a ticket for the Tuesday night if anyone wants it! Sorry it’s so late notice I got caught in a house move!