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hallo my loves

i have an epically long post for you tomorrow (as promised, i’m going to be “thinging” the month and i’m doing a State of All Things post)...but i don’t want this particular moment to get lost...

i’m really, really happy right now. drunk on the finishedness of a spontaneous didn’t-have-to-be.

i’m behind, i haven’t answered any of my email for several days and i’m completely behind and i need to rearrange several messes and haven’t practiced for my northwest tour...something i promised myself i’d do, i even booked three full studio days to ensure i’d practice. but then i met some people. randomly. five days ago.

and i wound up dragging these two people into the studio (procrastination OR GENIUS?? you decide) and spending three full days in the studio with these two people (matt nicholson, an arranger and composer and pianist, and jasmine power, a 24-year old, relatively unknown/emerging songwriter from wales) and in the last three days we’ve done nothing else but spin a magical new song into being. just like that.

i sat in the control room this afternoon and cried listening to the beauty and intensity of what we’d created - all so fast, from thin air. and like that, they were gone. we slaved over this accidental spontaneous thing for three days and jasmine literally kept doing vocals up to the last second they had to drive back to new york tonight.

the song is, as seems to be happening lately, like nothing i’ve ever released.

this is the way of the patreon.

these things have no reason for happening.
no reason for existing.
but we did it.

i cannot wait to share this one with you.

the working title is “Mr Weinstein Will See You Now”.

this is a photo of jasmine today, giving chris, our engineer, notes about her vocal take. he voice is like an ocean of velvet. she crushed it. her lyrical style...so different from mine.

the amount of power and progress in the room was palpable. i’ll post more pictures tomorrow.

this one is special. i don’t always say that, do i?

i love this patreon
and i love you.

good night dear ones





This. Exactly the reason i think Patreon is perfect, the ability to be spontaneous. Can't wait to hear the song.

Fanny von B

Can't wait to hear the beauty of free art making in action 💜


Glad that the patreon can make it possible to put all of the other things aside to let something like this happen. Looking forward to what you send along later today.

Laura Wellner

Creativity happens. It can't be scheduled. Opportunities such as this must be snagged, not wasted. This song and the moment of its creation sounds perfectly awesome, and I'm so happy to help make things happen. I'm looking forward to hearing the result, and the long blog later. Love!

Len Tower Jr.

happy for all involved! especially for you!!!


I am so happy that you have the time and means to seize moment that would otherwise be "scheduled out"! Blessed be! Looking forward to hearing this! <3


So exciting! Yay for spontaneous projects!


Excellent length to read with a coffee in the autumn sun on Easter Sunday while supervising new chickens ... A+++


Ooooooo!!! Can’t wait to lay it on my ears!!! Synchronicity in this seemingly rando-universe is the BEST!




Love you too - you give us struggling wannabe creative day-dreamers hope for finding our path outride the conventional blah-blah that sucks one dry. Thanks and cheers!


Unrelated note: I know I know I have changed my amount per thing to be $3/thing not $5/thing, but I keep getting the $5/thing reward?? And I'm all "aaaah is this the universe saying take the donut but also I am a Hufflepuff and I feel awkward to getting a reward I do not pay for anymore also I have celiacs I am afraid this donut is giving me anxiety stomach cramps" Hello this is my brain. Related: Catching up to things including your things and my email things and I just need a job things but do I wanna hold out for better job (which involves like 6 different resume templates? Why god why) so thanks for showing how messy things are. I need proof that we're all messy. I went up to Portland to both see friends and then see your show, and then I was really mad that I wasn't connected to my phone to see about the strip show (how ironic because then once people were in the strip club no phones). So boo on that. And then my friend was sick and couldn't go and I couldn't give her ticket away. I tried! But at least I met up with another friend? And then it was a weird realizing that...I know...I know a lot about your art and your life. I try to balance that with not feeling creepy because it's stuff you literally share? But I was able to lean over to my friend and be like "this is going to be 'Drowning in the Sound'" and etc etc. And then that motherfucker who kept on yelling "RUNS IN THE FAMILY" And I'll be real with you, what it is with mostly men yelling shit out at concerts? That was less cool. This is more rambley than arty. I wish it was more arty. It is not. Who knows if it will be read. I'm late at commenting on everything. blerg. Unrelated. I use the last 8 lines from "Lost" in *every* single Sympathy card and apparently all my friends are losing people which is terrifying. Moms and dads and husbands and pets are just dying. So I do what I can and grab my giant box of cards that have been sorted and dutifully write on one side "No one's ever gone forever..." because hopefully that helps. Thought you might like to know (iiif you ever read this comment.) okay byyyyye.