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just landed 


spent the plane journey reading and thinking and wondering and keeping a baby calm

neil just found out, a few minutes ago, that one of his hero-friends died (ursula le guin)


friends die 

baby sleeps beside us

neil writes emails 

i listen to mixes of the cranberries recordings from new orleans, and they both sound beautiful. sent notes about reverb and levels to jherek. i think the section after the second verse needs something subharmonic. the rumbling of tanks 

drank wine

ate curry

took bath

got inspired and texted with jherek about doing a 24-hour-marathon of covering songs by women 

flying to cape town tomorrow 

falling asleep next to an abandoned muppet






<3 death wine curry bath life sleep


What a lot of things to happen in one day. I'm sorry for Neil's loss. I haven't heard of that writer, but I'll look her up. I would love to hear those covers though. Xx


If you need a familly friendly couch near by with a bit of peace and quiet near the ocean. For one or some of you, let me know.


Do you need a hug while here?


Bittersweet post, sending love. The covers will be amazing.


You are the most beautiful human, inside and out. I'm sending you and Neil internet hugs.


So for first time I've decided to comment here. Couple of things prompted me first sorry to hear about Ursula Le Guin. I'd seen an appreciation elsewhere but did not realize it was because she had passed. Always fans of her's growing up. They thing that really got me to post was about doing cover of female singer/songwriters Do you Dan Bern and his song Chick Singers? Great list of them, He also some other great songs Tiger Woods and No Missing Link. And the connection here with Ani DiFranco is I saw Both Ani and Dan for the first time on workshop panel at the Clearwater Folk Festival on the Hudson River in New York. The workshop was on Punk-Folk! Anyway just a connection for me between them. Take care...


I would like to make a book recommendation for you, Amanda. "Another Roadside Attraction" by Tom Robbins. The main character, for reasons I don't want to spoil, will perhaps strongly delight and amuse you (and your fanbase). I'd say that it's rather like reading of a beloved figure's adventures in an alternate universe--but then I'm not really sure that the heroine lives in exactly the same universe as all the other characters around her. In case this book has already been recommended to you half a metric ba-jillion times, which would be tedious, I quote a short section that made me laugh out loud and nod in recognition of the wisdom of the words. This will be at least more amusing than a simple book recommendation--for everyone reading this. ... "My dear Amanda," intoned the family lawyer, "it has come to my attention that you are increasingly seen in the company of extremely weird individuals." Brushing cigar ash from the attorney's somber necktie, Amanda corrected him. "There is no such thing as a weird human being. It's just that some people require more understanding than others." ... This could not more succinctly sum up my life's philosophy.


I have never felt so close to a performer and regret not having u in my life before now. Loved le Guin, grew up w/her books. Am up to yer birthday masseuse experience in audio book. Sometimes my eyes get all wet while i'm driving and listening to you, especially after takin my mom to a Dr. and then drivin home to the Anthony cancer section. Almost hadda pull over from verklemptness. This trip sounds great for you an yer family! Much love!


Safe travels and enjoy your time in Joburg. I was very sad to hear about Ursula K. LeGuin's passing, she was one of the greatest writers. But her stories will always live. I believe that 's the goal for everyone who crafts tales and songs. Wish you luck in all things, rock on <3


Welcome to South Africa! I hope the jetlag dissipates soon. The 24-hour cover marathon sounds like a wonderful idea! I'm also sad about Ursula Le Guin's passing, and so grateful for what she gave us. I'm sorry for Neil's loss. She must have been a wonderful person - always seemed that way through her writing. Sending all the love.


We're so ready for 24 hrs marathon. Take some rest and have a wonderful day. The musical result is incredible 😍