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(patron only)

hello loves

just a very quicky pause in the middle of one insane weekend.

when i am sad, i drown myself in work. that is what i have done here in new orleans and damned if it hasnt made me happier. 

i can tell you most of the secrets now that i'm out of the woods:

on thursday i recorded vocals at ani difranco's house for zoe boekbinder's upcmoing record (ani is producing it). ani is one of my songwriting and performing and everything-ing heroes, and working with her has been wonderful. 

yesterday i woke up at 6 am and spent the entire day on set creating the secret new orleans video that i put out a casting call for. most of you have probably figured it out, but i'll let you piece it together. 

if you were following my last-minute flails on facebook and twitter....we did obtain our nick cave books. 

here's a shot from the set:

...and today, by semi-popular demand, i'm going back to ani's house.

her husband mike is an engineer and hopped on board with the last-minute idea of recording two cranberries covers in memorial for dolores o'riordon, the lead singer of the cranberrries - who died unexpectedly last week while i was in the middle of mad-video production. 

she was 46. i cannot stop thinking about this.

i'll write more about her, this, it, when i release the music, which will happen ultra fast. i'll record all day today and then jherek will mix all night tonight and tomorrow. 

you are making all of this possible by supporting the patreon.

so wish me godspeed...i have a show tonight at tipitina's, i'm barely prepared for it, and i have to wake up at ass o'clock tomorrow morning and get on a plane. i've hardly spent any time with my kid in four days. i don't have time for this. i'm so tired. but i'm doing it anyway because obviously.

there was literally only one day we could record before i left for south africa (i fly in the morning). so here we go. i've already reached out to sarah beetson to whip up some artwork, and she's on it over in australia. 

these are the things that keep me alive.

this is the fourth memorial/tribute that jherek and i have tried: the first was bowie, we Thinged our "strung out in heaven" tribute the week he left us...and then prince died, so we recorded purple rain, and then goddam leonard cohen died and we put out democracy, and now this. i suppose it's just not going to stop.

so the ever-fucking-amazing jherek bischoff spent the last 4 days slaving away on string arrangements and recording a quartet in LA (the same quartet that did the bowie).

jherek made a joke the other day and said that this quartet he's been using in LA should just be renamed the "memorial quartet".

then i joked that we should advertise our services as post-tragic-musician-death cover artists. we could have a website. and a slogan:

"you die. we make arrangements."

forgive me, but humor is all i have right now.

wish me luck in the studio.

i love you


tired AFP


---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

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because obviously <3


Much love to jherek. Love the work that comes out of you two and your supports. Looking forward to Things. Excited to be able to be part of all this.


Good luck in Capetown! I can't wait to see all the Things!


Fabulous! I love it!


I look forward to the cranberries covers. I hope it will take the deep sadness away


Best of luck!


I had been working on a piano cover of When You're Gone this summer. Guess it's time to pick it back up again. It seems like a natural song to perform for a lost light.


That's me and my boyfriend in the bed! So glad i was able to be part of this with you!!

Nathan Williams

I wish I had time to check out all the stuff you do..i work 2 jobs,school, bla bla.

Nathan Williams

Oops..i wasn't done.i would really like less cover songs...if I'm totally honest,I wish you would stop doibg covers for a long while and post original music. Demo form,whatever man...im so sorry to hear of your loss, that's horrible.

Nathan Williams

I saw u in San Francisco and during half Jack..the way you sang the word RUN..hit me so deep it was like a root canal to my soul...i cannot stress how profound the way you sang that word RUN connect s to me a deep,urgent, do it now before u die passion.im doing a year to live Buddhist year long course where u live as if u have only 1 year to live.with.against the stream Buddhist place in San Fran ..Noah levine father Stephen Levine wrote the book a year to luve..check it out. Love you lots.