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not only did black voters show up in droves to hand doug jones a win in the alabama senate race, hopefully turning around this american ship of darkness, but PATREON JUST REVERSED THEIR DECISION TO ROLL OUT THE PAYMENT CHANGES. they just posted a really beautifully-written apology blog about it. everything is going to stay AS IT WAS, and they are going to work with us to find the sustainable changes they need. 

i'm so, so proud of everyone right now. alabama, the people who campaigned so hard in the senate race, and all the creators and patrons who rose up and made their voices heard. SHIT DOESN'T CHANGE IF YOU DON'T DO SHIT!!!! and look: sometimes when you do shit, shit changes. (how's that for my gubernatorial platform motto).


another beautiful coincidence. last night, i sent a poll out to all of the $5+ patrons, with an idea. i've been feeling badly for the $1 and $3 patrons who were going to be taking the brunt of the hit of the patreon fee changes.

the $5+ people seems to be really thrilled in the past few days with the special bonus demo recording of "how would you like to play god" that i sent them (lots of people said they preferred it to the band recording, which of course makes me shrivel up and die a little, or wonder if i should just start releasing my iphone recordings as official things and saving a FUCK TON OF MONEY....)

so i sent a poll to the $5+ folks last night asking how they'd feel if i sent the bonus content to the whole patreon, $1 folks and up, as a thank you to the lower-level backers for sticking it out with me. 

and i watched the poll results roll in at the same time i watched the poll results roll in for the alabama senate race...and it wasn't a close race.

when i flipped my computer screen open and saw THIS this morning:

...i nearly wept.

and you should have seen the comments.

everyone here is just so fucking community-oriented and generous and kind and nice. 

i wanted to cry.

i also wanted to figure out a system where we could rig it so that my patreon votes in all future senate seats.

can someone work on that?


so here you go, everybody. the $5+ tiers already have this download, but this one's for everyone: the piano iphone demo of "how would you like to play god"....love, me, and all the awesome fuckin' $5+ folks who voted to spread the love.

download code:

M4A: https://we.tl/Fh6MnHwuUt
(this one is n .m4a extension, taken straight from my iphone.)

i love you all, so fucking much.







p.s. please spread the word about this patreon news, and give patreon their props, if you can, for listening to us. they deserve it. i know this wasn't an easy pill for them to swallow. i'm proud of them. and: i did lose several hundred patrons in the course of this change. i hope they come back. if you know any of them, spread the good word. HE IS RISEN. wait, wrong holiday.


---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




No don't die! I love the finished version of How Would You Like To Play God! I loved listening for the bells and the other things you envisioned in it, as well as the background vocals that were (incredibly!) shipped in from a distance! Plus, your voice sounded so perfectly clear and wispy (and then screamy) in my ears, like you were right next to me. It sounded beautiful!

Kirrabelle Lovell

I loved your poll options. This is now s saying ‘ shit doesn’t change if you don’t do shit’, applicable to many things in life!

Jemima Louise Johnson

Music Feedback: Loved hearing both versions of 'How would you like to play God?' And something occurs to me. Like the music is obviously way better cleaner polished etc on the finished studio version but there is something about the vocals on the demo version that gets lost with the whispery echo (sorry I am not production tech literate enough to describe it better than this) that has been put on the final vocal and on a few of the vocals recently 'Mother' immediately springs to mind where it works brilliantly to get that spooky just behind your ear quality of terrifying intimacy. BUT. Amanda Palmer (you, Amanda) has (have) this ability to create vocals that are percussive and witty and rhythmically weighted perfectly to scan along the line and have like comedic impact when you play with the meter. Something about this part of her (your) style gets not lost exactly but dampened like a feathery sustain pedal when there is a lot of production on the vocal. What is great about bare vocals or live performances is the ability to really SPIT the lyrics is allowed to shine. That was why it was such a joy to hear Theatre is Evil in its Piano is Evil incarnation. I have a general aversion to too much mucking about with vocals - autotune aesthetics make my skin crawl, although sometimes in a good way (Burial, anyone?), - and I have a thing about the prevalence of cutesy quiet sultry feminine vocals (women with oodles of microphone technique but sort of presenting themselves as just like whispering quiet girls) and think of the layering of vocals on Girl Anachronism as a sort of case in point of using production and mucking about with amplification and recording to make the female voice BIGGER. If I had any expertise and was less lazy there is probably some kind of feminist critique of production values in here somewhere - in fact someone has probably already done it. But thankyou for the bonus content - I'm a oscillating $3 $1 patreon who is very glad she didn't jump ship. I was just relistening to the two tracks today and thought my thought and thought I'd give back some delayed feedback as a thankyou. I like both versions and both have their merits. But I just want to say a shout out to that immediacy and impact of percussive spitting that come across with a wry sense of humour as almost throw away and belie the real craft and years of practice behind the work.


You are a light that brightens the goodness 🤘❤️


while I find the demo entertaining and an interesting look at an earlier version of the song. I definitely prefer the finished product with the band. I appreciate the addition of layers and complexity and all the work that goes in at the studio to polish the song.


As a brand new $5 patron it was a no-brainer voting ‘yes’... but I’m really chuffed at how many people have said “thanks”! I think it really shows how great a community this is and I’m super stoked to be part of it! And I must admit I loved the finished product (but fun seeing ‘backstage’).




Yay yay yay! And thank you! ❤️

Dorraine Baines

I totally appreciate that you've shared the demo version of this song with your whole crowd of patron supporters. It is really neat to be able to compare the demo and the finished piece, and it's so cool to know that our support is helping you make all this great ART and spread this ART love and that a whole classroom full of Wesleyan ARTISTS are making ART too and it's because of your generous and creative spirit and our willingness to cut you loose to do what your creative heart drives you to, and yes, because of this big corporate machine that is Patreon facilitating that. Thank you for being you, and doing what you do.


Thanks for being so cool, $5 folks! <3 Have the lyrics to this song been released? I'm struggling to understand some of them. Probably a result of a sinus infection lol! ;)


I'm late to the party, but I loved both versions. I'm happy that this is being shared, so thank you, Amanda. I love that the song addresses the manipulations that people push on each other and the harm people can do - especially when "trying to help" is only a mask - by bringing up things that people aren't ready to talk about. There isn't enough music, enough film, enough literature that addresses this in a humanizing and realistic way. Thank you.