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(public post - OFFICIAL THING!!!)

hello loves....

art-drum roll....(which, in my imagination, is like a chinese spring roll, but painted with rainbows and filled with little fried drum sticks)....

a New Video. for an Old Song (from 2012's kickstarter record "theatre is evil"). 

it was made (as was "the clock at the back of the cage" video) by immensely talented australian artists who i am only too happy to shine a light on: my pal director Steven Mitchell Wright is back in action. many of you will remember him as the leader of The Danger Ensemble when we toured as a motley crew on the Who Killed Amanda Palmer world tour in 2008 (was that almost ten years ago? that's not possible....).

we made a project page for it. there, you'll see i wrote a lonnnnnnng story for you...not just about this video, but about how phenomenal it feels to be able to make art like this ("off-cycle", they would say): on our own terms, in our own time, in our own way. there's some great writing from steven there, as well.

please watch the video, read the story, and share the link to the project page far and wide on your various channels.

we aren't sending this video out through *any* other press or media outlets.

it's just Us. 

watch it, love it, share it.

here's the link to the whole story and the embed of the video:


(and for you $3+ patrons, watch your inboxes, your download code is coming, and this is DEFINITELY one you wanna watch in hi-res on a big screen if you've got one).

i hope you love it. comment here or over on the project page, i'm reading.

love & gratitude,


p.s. speaking of grown man cry..."piano is evil" - my solo piano version of "theatre is evil" - is coming out to the public in the next few days! i'm also going to make it possible for y'all patrons to get the signed CD (plus POSTERS, yum, and signed "Theatre is Evil"s!) before the public has access to a limited batch. watch for it.

---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




I love this. It reminds me of the work of Lab Loki, an Icelandic theatre group. Lab Loki on the web: labloki.is and on Facebook: facebook.com/lab.loki.1


Love it!


I'm HOPING those art-drum-rolls aren't wrapped in Mylar; otherwise I might be able to get into them. I mean, that stuff's seriously hard to chew! Gimme natural skins any day. :)


Looks frightening


I spent last weekend with 500 herbalist in new Hampshire, and have had this metaphor of the Devine masculine/feminine not being a yin/yang or light/dark decide but spheres engulfed in one another, like the dicotomy way of American thinking sometimes rucks with me on and intently meta level but the point is that the womb is not just a vessel and the penis isnt always a projectile. And gender is a spectum with in us all and if the Devine masculine can form a protective she'll around the Devine femine then that orb of femininity is free to rock out amazing gems of creativity. P.s. I am in Port Ewen if the Cold comes on strong I can make you tea / soup


Okay, so I just watched this for the first time (totally slipped by me and I wouldn't have known to look for it without your year end roundup, so thank you). I read the whole project page too. The video is... weird. I did not "get it." I don't think I would have gotten it if I was high either (sober since Dec 22. woohooo!), but I don't think I would have. Did I like the visuals? Yeah. Acting? Great. What's with the milk, yo? And I LOVED the cuts to the little lit up bird against the black background. That was my favorite part. Honestly, as many weird, fucked up videos as you want to make, Amanda, go for it. I enjoyed it. Probably wouldn't watch it again unless I were showing it to someone. And it made me want to make some art, so I say it was a success if we're counting my personal experience of it. Having read the project page, I have to say: HOW DID THEATRE IS EVIL NOT SELL A GAZILLION?!? That still blows my mind. It is one of the best albums of all time, seriously. I say that not just because it is one of my favorites but because it just fucking IS. Also, I really, truly loved the past Dresden Dolls videos, and the videos you did for Who Killed Amanda Palmer? And Grown Man Cry is one of the best videos ever. It means so much to me, as does Want it Back, which is so beautiful and continues to inspire me. It kind of sucks that some shallow, commercial art becomes really popular and other art that literally turns my DNA on doesn't, but if it makes you feel better to know that your art, over and over again, makes me happy to be alive, please know that it does. There isn't a day that goes by that your art doesn't inspire me, or fortify me, or challenge me, or give me permission to feel, or force me to feel. And I love being one of your patrons. Go forth and make all the Things, even and especially the weird things! And thank you, from the bottom of my crusty heart and the marrow of my bones for being and doing you.


I mean The Killing Type is one of the best videos ever. Gives me chills every time.