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(patron-only post)

just a quickie, my dears............

from the looks of it on the social strands, many of you have gotten your ART CARDS IN THE MAIL!! they may not all have arrived, so don't fret quite yet. if you ordered one and haven't seen it within the next week to ten days, you can always query patronhelp@amandapalmer.net and we'll dig. some things take a long time to get to new zealand, singapore, etc, so be patient.

if you want some amusement, here's a youtube clip of alex (team AFP resident british merch queen) mailing ONE THOUSAND CARDS INTO ONE BRITISH POST-BOX. it's very cute:


i love you all a fuck-tonne (yes, a british fuck-tonne) and am so so glad this whole experiment worked.

the post picture i found on twitter from @strawbsquirrel (who goes by not_the_brain here on patreon)....apparently the card also makes a nice coloring book. 

ALSO, quick fix. you all got the STREAMING link to the "live in vienna" show but not the download. here it be:

MP3: https://we.tl/e1NEcuTYMH 

WAV: https://we.tl/hOUyL9PaPU  


this interview (it's about 14 minutes long) between me & edward backstage in antwerp was originally posted only to the $5+ tier, but they encouraged me to share with all - it's worth being public. edward talks really sincerely about the difficulties of making ends meet, of art and internet and the hard business of selling music. 

if you're interesting in seeing me almost cry talking about the patreon / you....

go watch it.



ALSO....i wanted to remind you that until patreon/my website manage to compete with facebook&twitter&instagram in terms of reach-and-usability, i am still posting a ton to all those platforms. i did a spontaneous live-cast on facebook last night - piano only, no talking - just because i felt like it.

if you aren't following me on all the socials, i understand. life is a bitch as it is.

i'll try to keep you as updated as possible HERE...which is kind of the point of this patreon, to keep you, the backstage, informed of the backstage AND front of house action. 

but i also don't want to bother you all with emails three times a day and sometimes digesting a bunch of social media stuff is just BORING. 

so...connect with me everywhere you can, and don't worry. you'll never miss anything HUGE as long as you're here. and if i decide to set myself on fire on facebook live, i'll fuckin heads you up.

on facebook i'm https://www.facebook.com/amandapalmer. make sure you're following me/using the "see first" tool. 

on twitter, instagram and tumblr i'm @amandapalmer. 

i BARELY every post to tumblr...but on occasion, i need it for naked things.

so yeah.

i'm also on ello : @amandapalmer. barely anyone over there and sometimes it's nice to go to an empty room and cry.

k reminder over.

i love and appreciate you all.




---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Yes, I received my card. Thank you so very much!


Keep meaning to tell you that I got my card. It's lovely. Thank you. Added bonus: cool stamps!


My card arrived last week in Arizona, thank you so much!


Yay! I received my card today, in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia! Thank you Amanda, I love it.


Found my card sitting in my PO box today. Thanks!!


Got it last week, it looks great, thank you so much! And the stamps are a very nice touch too.


Got mine a last week. beautiful, thank you...and I love the stamps too!! <3

Emma Brown

I was delighted to receive the card by snail mail and it now has pride of place on my fridge door! Thank you! xx


I got mine today Amanda! It's so pretty and stuff! And it's signed in purple! And the envelope has awesome stamps! (Aussies get 5 stamps! :P) It's the nicest mail I've received in a long time! (I may have cried reading the back. A little) Thank you so much!


Hi Amanda! I got my card today and I loved it! Everything about it is beautiful, and I loved the Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin stamps! Thank you! ❤️


Is a British Fuck-Tonne more or less than a metric Fuck-Tonne? Anyone know the conversion rate?


Thank you.