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(patron-only post)

hello loves.

i'm digging out of so much this week - years of email, years of photos, years of backed up backlog in every way....i'm basically doing the world's most impressive deep house cleaning. except i'm not cleaning the house, fuck that. there are diapers everywhere.

(if you follow my twitter / instragram / facebook you'll see some of the treats i've been posting up, and i'll definitely compile them for you all here when it isn't the middle of the night....)

because of all this Cosmic Clean Out, there are a million things to post, things of the Past to share, leftover things to sell you, things to remind you to listen to, and i'm like, FUCK, i really don't want my patreon to become a place where i only share shit like that....

so i am posting at 1:19 am to tell you simply that i love you, that i appreciate you, that i've going through a very weird night of the soul with all this off time.

pointless post. and therefore pointful. the most pointful, when pointless. point more, or less.

ben folds texted me today. he had a party last night and i couldn't go because it was an hour drive from my house and i wound up just doing email and making dinner and going to bed early with the baby.

and i texted him today that i was hiding and Cleaning Out My Life and he asked what i meant by that and i explained that i had boxes and emails from 2013 that i've never opened and Now Was The Time and he asked how that was going and i wrote:

it's frightening. i have to constantly repeat "i have done real things i have done real things i have done real things" 10,000 times a day while i sort emails and do laundry

 and he wrote

you HAVE done real things

and i was like, right. i have.

i'm allowed to clean my Things. it's super fuckingnormal to stop and do that. i know.

but yet. i am still having a hard time.

i will report back.

every zen teacher teaches you this: you must sit with the uncomfortable.

i am extremely uncomfortable with Not Making Anything

i am making lots of things though.

today i made 

-three coffees

-an avacado sandwich for three people

-a lot of emails go into folders

-my new assisatnt understand my life

-my son happy by swinging him around a lot and taking him to see the neighborhood chickens.

yesterday i made

-my friends happy by making dinner with them

-a plastic broken potty come back to life by super-glueing the piece that fell off on the plane

-a gazpacho

-a bottle of wine magically disappear, with help

-it to yoga

-it through eight readings of "the very hungry bum"

i mean...

...that is not nothing.

it's just not a song.

i was just reading in the guardian about kesha's new record.

she made me think of lorde. but so different. she took four years, and she emerges from the darkness of all that with her own soundtrack of survival and forgiveness.

it is funny, what is happening to my music head, as i stop working.

i want to work, but i am thinking a lot about what i've done. a lot of what i've done is really painful to me. like i blogged last week, i wonder why i haven't done what i haven't done, instead of being proud of what i have done. and i'm now pregnant with that possibility of Anything. the delicious blank slate of wonder, where you can pick up any paint or any thread and make Any Thing.

i wonder what will come.

i'm more excited to find out than anyone else.

when i empty my boxes (they will never really be empty) something will be waiting.


i posted this picture of me and neil today.

i wrote

"this is me and neil in our rental house in cambridge, MA, in 2014...we'd loaned it to rachel and her now-wife clare to get married in and they festooned it and we all drank and danced. there wasn't room to fit everybody in one space for the ceremony so the ceremony happened in the front hall and clare and rachel stood on the stairs.

anthony was very sick with his mystery cancer and we didn't know for sure yet if he was going to die. i had given my TED talk but hadn't put my book out. neil and i were having a hard time figuring out how to be married. existence kept rolling. we kept at it. and now...we all have babies. time. space. the end.

(photo by eric sharar)."

it's true.

sometimes it takes time to see what the fuck has happened.

not that i'm saying i know what the fuck has happened.

i'm just as lost as ever. but this time i'm lost with husband and a baby.


i spent the sunset etc tonight with my two yoga friends from sydney and their 8 month old baby, we watched the dark crystal. my fifth time, i think. it never gets old. 

ash fell asleep on me.

i see something like the dark crystal and i think: i will never make anything amazing. i just cannot make something like that.

and then i think: i am so glad that exists.

and then i think: i have made a couple amazing things. at least a little amazing.

and then i think: i am so fucking lucky.

whatever i decide to do, i can do it, because i have my patreon.

and i think that maybe all of the things that i've done on the patreon since ash was born are just some kind of weird warm-up exercise for the real things that i'm actually supposed to make.

and then i stare at my hands, because it makes me freak out a little.

that's all for now.




---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

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Every time I sit down to read one of your posts like this, I'm always amazed that it's because I need to read it. I need your words. I'm in the middle of a HUGE decluttering too, and realizing that things that were important to me once no longer are; they've served their purpose and can now exit my life. It's cathartic as hell throwing shit out, and as you say, 'the boxes will never really be empty' - I'm feeling that like EVER because I realized that even when I rid myself of the *things* I still have the memory. I've also felt hugely guilty because I'm not MAKING THINGS (I make jewelry for my Etsy shop) but I feel like at the same time, I've made huge headway into myself, and into processing some things from therapy, and into clearing out my creative space, which clears out my emotional space. It's astounding. The last post about The Thought Police I'd read and felt the same way - I needed to hear those words, and needed to know that you, and Lorde feel the same Impostor Syndrome I do, which makes me feel so much less alone as a neurotic creative person. For these posts and obviously so much more, Amanda, I love you so much. Thank you. <3


Life is a work of art if you do it right. I think you're doing it right.


sometimes words don't cut the mustard.... or I'm afflicted with emotional speechlessness. Thank You and much love to You ❤💜❤😸


I have received my art card! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☮. I also want to say I think your music (and book etc for that matter) has real value and is not only wonderful but deep and important. The music from I can spin a rainbow is helping me significantly to recover from a lifetime of being abused. Seriously. Love you.


I own a Ukulele (second one coming tomorrow) because of you. I didn't cry at work yesterday because... blasting Leeds United. So. Lots of points of matter. *hugs*


I love the community we've created here on Petreon, and I love supporting you and your works, Amanda. You're important, and you totally matter to me!


First of all, I love you, too. Second, I need to know...did you only make one avocado sandwich and three people shared it or did you make three avocado sandwiches for the three people. This is what my brain fixates on. :)


I needed this. It's 01:40 and I love you, too.

Nicole Ives

Thanks so much! I'm reading this about 2 months after it was posted because I too have fallen behind with my shit. But that's cool and I enjoyed reading this post now. Thanks for once again articulating ambiguity, doubt, and all the rest :-;)