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(patron-only post)

hello my comrades...

The Skinny (UK) says: “Light a candle in a dark room and wrap up snug; this is a haunted house of a record… the album blends storytelling, poetry and lyricism with a wide range of soundscapes.”

IT'S OUT!! i'll keep it short, because i just posted almost 6,000 words worth of heart-spillage on the project page, which is now fully updated with EVERYTHING...the story of the record, the studio photos, the bandcamp link with the full album (the fact that i'm here on patreon makes it possible for me to offer it to the world for pay-what-you-want - so THANK YOU), both videos and ALLLLLL THE LYRICS.

go look, it's beautiful:


and please, if you love the record, go share the above link with your friends - you know the ones who will like it. those more into the dark arts, the delightfully creepy, the soundtracks to horror films....they will love this shit.

and one thing is for sure: whether you love this album or not, i'll probably never make anything like it again...and that is the beauty of patreon.

i love you all so much. you are the garrett that houses my canvas, my friends. 

thank you so much for letting me spread my creative wings ... every time i stretch them, my muscles grow, i just get braver.



p.s. if you've just joined the patreon, you can now access ALL the posts in your tier. to get the downloads and extras, just scroll back a few posts. and WELCOME!!!! it's nice here.

 p.p.s. photo of me and edward by  Viki Beshparova

-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Love this album. Won't stop listening til I know it inside out so I can get all emotional seeing you play it in Warsaw <3 Woke up yesterday and stayed in bed to read the whole Long Thing about it. Had my first listen over my best little earphones on the Berlin U-bahn in the night-time with a beer. Really dug the sound from the start. I love the whole thing <3 Are you sure you're sweeping through Europe without passing through Berlin? I'm on hopeful alert for ninja gigs just in case...


The vinyl package is a thing of beauty, along with the music of course!


Amanda, I just can't seem to find words to express how much I love this album... So I'll just say thank you! And I'm so proud to be part of this patreon thing! <3


I just spent the last hour+ on the porch with my partner, listening to your album by moonlight and xmas lights. Sometimes, we couldn't tell where the music ended and the ambient sounds of the night filled the space between tracks. Thank you for this enchantingly spooky gift. ♡

Kim Harris

Edward and Amanda, loving loving loving this new work. It makes me feel like I am listening to something found in a distant tower of Gormenghast.

Darren Robinson

What strikes me most about ICSAR is how much of a counter point it feels to "You got me singing" 'Both sides of the coin' to reference Edwin Drood.