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HELLO MY DEAR and WELCOME!!!! greetings from woodstock, ny. things here are....weird. i have wound up living a life i never could have imagined. i still am not sure this is real. but it is. and i know one thing for certain: it is my patrons and my patrons alone that have sustained me through the storm of the last few years. not just the money; the love, the community; the social safety net. it's the best. so oh my god.....i am so happy you're here. THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting me here on patreon. you cannot know how much i appreciate your trust. it's such an awesome system. here's a little bit of info about what to expect from the patreon, and the rewards you're entitled to for being here..... WHAT TO EXPECT… i post to the patreon page quite a bit (it's basically replaced my blog) and you'll be getting those posts as emails (make sure that you’ve enabled email notifications in your patreon account settings), but make sure to click the orange button at the bottom of those emails that says “view on patreon” if you want to see the live comments and comment yourself.... which is always nice, and i do read them, and i do often respond. here on the $1 tier, you'll get access to all the patron-exclusive posts. your $1 means just as much to me as some well-off mofo giving me $100, and i thank you greatly. CATCH-UP!!! and now that you're a patron, you can CATCH UP! there's a lot you've missed, and you can now access the entire backlog of things: we built a page for exactly this reason and you can see *everything* i've released as paid things right here. PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH ME AND THE COMMUNITY!!!! AS ALWAYS...you should join the golden email list to get the worldwide newsletter i send out every so often. i've had it for fifteen years and it’s the backbone of All Things: http://amandapalmer.net/<wbr></wbr>emaillist/ sometimes it repeats a little of what is in the patreon feed, but not too much. not to sound doom and gloom, but you never know when a solar flare is going to destroy some computer server out in the middle of the desert, and i really like knowing that i have all of your email addresses in case everything (including patreon) crashes into the abyss. so do that to just make me feel better. thanks. one more thing: as you’ll see, the tools on patreon itself aren’t very conducive to threaded community conversations… so, with the help of this patreon, we relaunched the shadowbox forum, a great place to connect with other patrons, to couchsurf, rideshare, to get help transcribing sheet music, or talk about anything and everything. there are patron-only sections of the shadowbox which you'll be able to access automatically if you use the same email address you use on patreon when you create your account. if you’re a facebook user (and don’t get me started about facebook, i’m not a huge fan, but for now it’s an easy accessible tool) you should join the official patreon facebook group. it’s a great, supportive place and it’s only as interesting as the people in it. when you ask to join, your email will be cross-checked with the official patron list and you’ll be added. CAPPING YOUR PLEDGE I use Patreon on a 'per Thing' basis - this means that the tier you've selected is the amount that you'll be charged for every Thing that i put out. we know and we understand that sometimes people need to budget their money (and maybe one month i'll go crazy and release 23 Things) so patreon allows you to CAP YOUR PLEDGE, so you'll never pay more than you're happy with (even if i go crazy and release 23 Things in one month.) there's a wonderful tutorial from patreon here that can help you out with that. PROBLEMS? if you have any PROBLEMS with your patreon account (not getting charged? getting charged too much? questions about the monthly cap? CONFUSED IN GENERAL?) you can email alex at patronhelp@amandapalmer.net, he's here to answer any and all patreon-related questions. OKAY...and now. TO ALL THE THINGS!!!!!!! your support here means the world to me. from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you. xxx, amanda p.s. if you're *very* new to my music/content, i made this special page of some of my best content/songs/videos, from the dresden dolls til now: it's called "a walk through amandalanda". it's a great place to start. http://amandalanda.<wbr></wbr>amandapalmer.net

Added: 2024-01
greetings from aotearoa new zealand. things here are....weird. this whole year has been weird. i have wound up living a life i never could have imagined, having gotten waylaid here due to covid. i still am not sure this is real. but it is. and i know one thing for certain: it is my patrons and my patrons alone that have sustained me through the storm of the last year. not just the money; the love, the community; the social safety net. it's the best.  

so oh my god.....i am so happy you're here. whether you're in for $1 or more, THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting me here on this patreon. you cannot know how much i appreciate your trust. it's such an awesome system.

i post to the patreon page quite a bit (it's basically replaced my blog) and you'll be getting those posts AS emails (make sure that you’ve enabled email notifications in your patreon account settings), but make sure to click through if you want to see the live comments and comment yourself ....which is always nice, and i do read them, and i do often respond.

and now that you're a patron, you can CATCH UP! there's a lot you've missed, and you can now access the entire backlog of things: we built a page for exactly this reason and you can see *everything* i've released as paid things right here.

if you have any PROBLEMS with your patreon account (not getting charged? getting charged too much? questions about the monthly cap? CONFUSED IN GENERAL?) you can email hayley at patronhelp@amandapalmer.net, she's here to answer any and all patreon-related questions.

if you’re a high-level patron with guestlist access or have joined the “art in the mail” tier, she also helps out with that. you should never hesitate to reach out with ANY questions. you can find more information about guestlists and these newer tiers in this post here:

and AS ALWAYS...you should join the golden email list to get the worldwide newsletter i send out every so often. i've had it for fifteen years and it’s the backbone of All Things: http://amandapalmer.net/emaillist/. sometimes it repeats a little of what is in the patreon feed, but not too much.

not to sound doom and gloom, but you never know when a solar flare is going to destroy some computer server out in the middle of the desert, and i really like knowing that i have all of your email addresses in case everything (including patreon) crashes into the abyss. so do that to just make me feel better. thanks.

one more thing: as you’ll see, the tools on patreon itself aren’t very conducive to threaded community conversations...so, with the help of this patreon, we relaunched the shadowbox forum, a great place to connect with other patrons, to couchsurf, rideshare, to get help transcribing sheet music, or talk about anything and everything. there are patron-only sections of the shadowbox which you'll be able to access automatically if you use the same email address you use on patreon when you create your account.

if you’re a facebook user (and don’t get me started about facebook, i’m not a huge fan, but for now it’s an easy accessible tool) you should join the official patreon facebook group. it’s a great, supportive place and it’s only as interesting as the people in it. when you ask to join, your email will be cross-checked with the official patron list and you’ll be added.

OKAY...and now. TO ALL THE THINGS!!!!!!!

your support here means the world to me. from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.


p.s. if you're very new to my music/content, i made this special page of some of my best content/songs/videos, from the dresden dolls til now: it's called "a walk through amandalanda". it's a great place to start.
Added: 2023-03