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Guys, I can't recall the last time I was this upset with myself. After working for 2 weeks on the main body of the episode, I had a simple plan to film short bookend hosting shots of me in the room, then edit everything together in one day, just in time for early patron posting.

But I made a terrible, inexcusable rookie mistake. Because of the whole tutorial parody thing (explained in a $3 update), this episode runs at 30 frames per second (as opposed to the movie-like 24fps I usually stick to). BUT I FORGOT TO SWITCH THE CAMERA TO THAT FRAMERATE WHEN I FILMED THE BOOKENDS.

Now, I know most humans in the world don't even register this as a thing it's possible to be upset about, and those who do don't think it's that big a deal because you can simply up-convert footage from 24fps to 30fps in a number of automated ways...

But this IS a big deal when VFX are involved. You can't really track or composite footage that has these up-conversion artifacts. Suffice it to say, instead of simply filming and editing a couple ofshots, I had to spend ~5 extra hours painstakingly massaging them into having 25% more temporal resolution, just so I could BEGIN working.

Anyway, I'm writing because I worked 'till 4am last night and have now gotten up to continue. The video will go up by 3PM today, as scheduled, but I've failed to get it ready for early access to you patrons.

I'm really sorry. I will of course make it up to you by making some other reward available at $2 level.

I'm also going to find something expensive I can THROW THROUGH MY WINDOW RIGHT NOW.

Cheers <3



Don't stress Captain. We're a patient bunch that hasn't memorized your release schedule yet so didn't have any expectations but now do since you've mentioned it…


&lt;3 you Captain D, can't wait to see it. Also, if you could film the window thrashing, that'd be great.


Totally a non-issue, we are all humans and doing silly things like this is all the proof we need of that.


Hey don't worry Captain, I'm fairly certain we all understand you're only human-ish! I'd rather have your usual level of content released when it's ready by a non-stressed version of you than anything on time released by a stressed version of you.


You're god damn right I better get another reward. I spend 2 of your American money dollars a week to feel superior to non patrons for ~24 hours and I expect my moneys worth. You know that's almost $25 dollars a year? That's nearly as much as I spend on coffee every week! You can expect a letter about this travesty in the Times tomorrow morning. Just kidding, sometimes I don't get to watch your vids until later anyway. Keep up the great work Cap.


see...this is the type of person who I donate to on patreon. peoples whose work I enjoy AND who obviously care about the quality of what they put out and don't just view patreon as a hand out. I don't regret being a patron one bit.


Looking forward to the video. I just tried to become enraged about this, but all I could muster was a "meh".


lol its okay captain D!


no sweat cap. keep up &lt;3


I'm still very impressed that you got 2 videos made for us this month. Don't sweat it.


I work in video editing and fps mismatch is hell. Best of luck captain


You're only human, Captain D.

Jeffrey Canam [GrahfMetal]

It's all good. The only reason to be upset would be the fact that you used the internet's favorite grammatical error "Fail" instead of "failure" in your title.


Ooh frame rate mismatch... Don't sweat it cap'n. Happens to all intergalactic superheroes.


I'm upset ... I'm upset .. wait why am I upset again ? The Hobbit frame rate!

Stephen Staver

Seems you're much harder on yourself than anyone else.


Chill, Cap. It's totally fine :)


Why not finish bookends in 24p then pull up at the end?


youworrytoomuch.gif Now, if it was $200 backers you'd have a point! I'm sure I can say for us all- we'll be very happy to see it done when it's done.


Couldn't you just do all the visual FX for the real footage at 24fps, and then take those finished VFX shots into the main 30fps video with the "tutorial" ?

Jim Battle

No worries! If it will help you relieve the stress, I can unsubscribe. :-)


I know that feel all too well, CD! The best (almost only, tbh) way to get my temper up is to get me mad at myself.

Darth Biomech

I would compose these scenes in 24 fps and _after_ that converted the entire final result to 30 fps. Then artifacts from conversion shouldn't matter, right?


I bet you will never do this again. It will be something completely different next time. ;-) Don't be so hard on yourself.


No worries Cap! I care much less about early access than about you having the resources and independence needed to make great content. Don't worry about catering to us moneyspigots, cater to the universe!


Remember the year that TAM video people forgot to turn on the audio? Now that was a mess!


Don't fret! It happens sometimes!


Don't worry yourself Cap, we'll survive somehow I'm sure! 😀


Don't worry, shit happens.


Humans! Always making mistakes and shit.


I love that you care so much, but I doubt any of your supporters really mind, given that it was an honest mistake.


The quality of your work is more than worth the wait, Captain. Thank you for caring so much!


I'm not concerned about the delay, but would really like to understand why you decided to spend hours bringing the frame rate up rather than re-shoot the bookends at 30fps. We must be talking about a few minutes to a few dozen minutes of video, right?


We love you anyway, D!


I think I speak for everyone here when I say you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. (As a perfectionist type myself I understand tho') I think we all understand and just appreciate what you do enough to not be bothered by it. (and those who are can get a boot to the head)


You're a funny guy, even when you're angry :)


average creator: "hey guys products late because we were trying to make a reason for conversation" D: "Here's an in depth explanation of what mistake I made and how I'm fixing it...because I'm competent" love you D!


Dang, that sucks man! Though I won't complain about a new CD video, regardless of when it drops for me.


I HATE it when I do that, and I just shoot my kids and family. "Hey, make a video for you mom" says my wife. Pulls together the stuff of my server. Some is 30Hz, the rest 24Hz. Some is sLOG. The rest 709.


Let me join the crowd. I don't think anyone will be upset except you. I admire your perfectionism about this, but understand that your Patrons don't mind.


I dont even care. I patronize you because I like your videos, not because I get early access to them. You keep knocking it out of the park.


it's all good!


Don't worry about it! I really appreciate the update and your honesty.


You guys are all very kind. The exciting conclusion to the story is that after getting it all finished and posting the video yesterday, a viewer alerted me to the fact that in the part where the copyright emails is shown, the blurs covering the guy's info went out of sync as I scroll up and uncovered the info for a couple of frames. So I had to take it down, figure out the problem, fix it, re-render the video and re-upload it. The ultimate irony is that this was ALSO caused by a DIFFERENT framerate issue. The whole tutorial section was done at 30fps (because that's the speed at which the screen capture software records it), but I authored the final video at 29.97fps, in case it ever needs to be on TV or Blu-ray/DVD. I did it the wrong way and it caused certain animated elements, like those blurs, to move differently. Please, no one find anything else wrong with the video!


I only discovered the problem once I sat down to edit. Between going to the place where we film, setting up, getting into makeup, doing a bunch of takes (because I'm still pretty bad at performing), getting out of makeup, putting the gear away and coming home, it's a bit of an ordeal to reshoot :/


I pay a whopping $2 a month out of appreciation and indebtedness for opening my eyes to issues I've never seen below. I only became a skeptic, purchased Randi's books, and attended the TAM conferences because of you. I don't pay to get early access. Please relax and don't stress yourself out too much.