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Hey friends,

You haven't heard much from me while I've struggled to slay this colossal dragon of a project. I'm still in progress on it. I wish I could detail for you all the gains and setbacks that have happened, but it will have to wait until the video is actually out, as it stands now, some time at the end of January.


To maintain my own sanity and to not completely fade from society's collective memory, I've decided to throw everything aside and make a last-second, ultra-fast video for Christmas (yes, this Christmas).

It struck me that a Twitter thread from last night makes for an ideal installment of 'Mr. Flare Explains'. So I've already written the script and recorded the voiceover. Now I just need to cobble the rest of it together in the next 3 days.

If you'd like to follow my moment-by-moment progress on this video speedrun, feel free to check in on Discord (you should automatically be a member of the 'Disillusion Industries' server if you're my Patron and have a Discord account). I'll be posting updates there and possibly streaming a bit as I work.

Otherwise, my next post should be the video itself!

Thank you as always for your amazing patience and generous support.



Thanks and happy holidays!


Thanks so much captain you are the best!!


We don't deserve you captain😥


Please dont get stressed out. You came up in my recommendations lately, because i begun with Blender. You will allways be relevant for this community


I am so excited!!! I have been waiting and wondering when we’d get the next CD!


...And when I looked back upon the sand, there was only one set of footprints, and I asked: "Captain, why did you forsake me when I needed you most?" And he responded, in a whisper: "my precious child, I would never abandon you. Where you see one set of footprints, that was when I was working on some seriously ambitious shit with like 30+ pages of scripting." Yea verily, and it was good, and the people clamored in agreement of the goodness.


for the underwater shot, i have a feeling they put wires both at the top and at the bottom. they put wires at the bottom to stop it from floating up, and wires at the top to control it.