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The online version of the Blender Conference took place yesterday. It was a collection of fun 2-minute video vignettes from talented CG artists, developers, and filmmakers around the world. Also for some reason Alan the intern 🤷🏻‍♂️

Check it out!

A link to the entire set of presentations (a 1h 39m video) is also there as a card.


Alan's Mini-Talk - Blender Conference 2020

My intern's unauthorized presentation at BCon20. His opinions and weird habits are his own and do not represent that of Disillusion Industries or its owner. Check out all the other talks from around the world here: https://youtu.be/uEjmbsiflMU



Ohhh Alan :b


Awesome! Great timing.

Erik Lehmann

So you can draw too? Oh man, is there anything you can't do?

Jacob Ford

What was the zombie film?


Ah I found it on the blender channel. Helpfully there are direct time stamp links in the description 😹


Zomblogalypse... but it doesn’t have a distributor yet as far as I’m aware so you can’t see it.