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Hello friends, I have spent every waking moment of the last two weeks getting this one finished in time for today, Future Day! I'm sorry that just this once I wasn't able to bring it to you a full day in advance. Please accept this token half-hour early access. Enjoy and let me know what you think :)


Time Travel DEBUNK

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Good god that scene where you go outside! You must be completely exhausted O__O That must've been A LOT of work! The end result is amazing and what a fitting tribute :D I loved it!


Best episode EVER!


Barely, indeed. :) But I support you because I enjoy your work, not so I can get early access. Great job!


Great job, your talent and skills never cease to amaze me!


Yeah, that outside scene looked expensive! Remember when good-quality, educational films had to be commissioned by the government? And they were always cheesy. You deserve a big government grant, CD. And a prestigious position, like Disillusioner-General. And an honorary title, like Doctor... no - Captain!


Wow, that was insane. Awesome job! And nice Max Headroom reference. I hope that was a Max Headroom reference, otherwise I look like an idiot now :P


Seriously. I think CD should make a feature film. It would probably only cost something like $4000 and still look better than today's $100m CGI spectacles!


Amazing episode. Kudos to you for getting it done so soon, especially with that outside scene.


Wonderful episode CD! And what a finishing scene; spectacular!