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BlenderCon is over! I heard from a couple of you (as well as some non-patrons) that you’re interested in meeting me while I’m still in town.

I’ve never done that before... but why not?

Tomorrow from 10AM, for about an hour, I’ll be at one of my favorite places: a Starbucks. Specifically, this one:

The Bank Rembrandtplein, Utrechtsestraat 9, 1017 CV Amsterdam

If you’re not busy, come and chat! (Don’t forget, daylight saving time kicks in tonight.)




There are flights every hour to Amsterdam, but I need a little more notice than that. ;-) Have a fun time!


Oh yeah!!! That would be awesome! Love to meet one of my actual heroes! Let's focus on it not being too awkward :b I'll be there!


Looked up some trains, won't make it in time, maybe next time!


We had a chat during last year's Blender Conference, but I didn't get a chance this time, so I'll definitely try to make it there for an update tomorrow!


I would have definitely come! It's just to early to catch a train to make it though.. maybe next time when your in the Netherlands!

João Gouveia

woof that's an early train! Let's see if my body accepts me waking up that early :D


Sorry to do it so early, all. It’s just I gotta go to the Blender Studio open house at noon. But I could be a little late to that, so I might stay at the Starbucks longer. And I wouldn’t expect anyone to hang with me from 10AM sharp. Feel free to drop by later, if you don’t mind a briefer visit.


Let me know if you come to Australia :D We’ll have a bbq for you!


Umm... actually daylight savings time kicks out next week in most of the USA. It was moved to the fits Sunday in November several years ago.


Male that the first Sunday in November.


Ok.. but this is not about USA. I’m in Amsterdam at the moment, and here the time change is now. I want to make sure people don’t end up coming an hour early.


!! *throws on pants*


🚲 🔜


Anyone go to the meetup? Curious how it went!