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1) I’m off to the Blender Conference! Although not speaking this year, I will make a brief, sneaky video cameo in another speaker’s presentation. If it doesn’t end up on YouTube, I’ll share it with you later on. I might also participate in some workshops/Q&As while there.

2) While I’m away, I’ll also publish a fun “PSA” video that’s part of a big environmental initiative by a bunch of YT content creators. I can’t post it ahead of the campaign’s start date, but in 3 days, I hope you’ll enjoy it and maybe even choose to choose to take part!

3) The episode of Vsauce3’s ‘Could You Survive the Movies?’ featuring me (I know, it’s crazy that I wasn’t in the BTTF one...) will premiere Nov 4th. On the same day, on my channel, I will post an “extended cut” of my segment. To be honest, I still have to finish working on that after I return from this Blender trip, so I really hope I’ll meet the deadline!

See you at the movies!




Go. Fill the sky with apple pies (real accurately).


Super excited, Cap!


I already saw your segment on CYSTM (thanks to having YT Premium). Awesome appearance! Looking forward to see the extended cut! 🙂👍


Here is the CYStM link: https://youtu.be/hA0tOcNE4IY Is it going to be free soon?


Can’t you just get Alan to finish it while you’re at bcon? 🙃


I use your Blender presentation as my #1 example of how vulnerability and sincerity will help messages resonate. The Liquid Sim music video at the end, and your live appearance in full makeup with keytar, are what turned me into a Patreon supporter. Heart emoji, Cap!

Jeroen Meijer

Awesome! Any chance people who aren't going to the Blender Conference could still meet & greet you? I understand if not 😊


Every time I watch the Blender presentation I am frustrated by the comments about the Galton board thing, because it seems like they don't actually understand how a Galton board produces an approximate normal distribution. If you understand that, it's immediately obvious that the marble machine thing wouldn't produce a normal bell curve.


Meet and Greet in Amsterdam, Please??


Oh a video with CaptainD for my birthday! ❤️