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Hi Friends,

I've been working on the next (legitimately cursed) video every single day, since our last livestream. Yesterday it was in its final stages - the sound mix. I thought I was home free.

And that's when I noticed a tiny mathematical error in the "physics" of what I'm explaining early on in the video.

This miscalculation caused several other things to be estimated wrong, a whole chain reaction of incorrect graphics and voiceover bits, even an on-screen remark that no longer made sense.

*silent screaming*

BUT IT'S OK. I dedicated today to systematically fixing them all, so that I can get back on track with mixing the sound.

Long story short, add +1 day to the already lengthy delay. I'm sorry.

Still, this is better than realizing the problem after publishing the video!

That. Would. Be. Bad.



*internet hug* It'll be Cap, just blame Alan. It's one of many reasons why interns are there, to get the blame.


Thanks for the update. I'm sure it's well worth the wait!


No work- or art piece in the history was ever created without a systematic error being made. I really want you to take your time, but also want more stuff, faster.


Ooff, that’s rough! Maybe a patreon exclusive of the “wrong” video? :b don’t know if that’s worth a watch? Thanks for the update! You won’t hear any complaints from me :D take it easy!


Glad you caught it now instead of later. I don't mind waiting, I feel your content is worth it.


You commitment to accuracy is so commendable. Better than many others in the broader community.


Yes, with a director's commentary so that he doesn't have to make an audio mix for the 'wrong' video.


Your dedication shows. It's worth the wait!


Do your best captain, take your time to make the best videos!


It's definitely worth waiting a bit longer for a better video! We appreciate the long hours and effort you put in to make each video amazing!


Ditto to everyone else. I don't mind waiting a few more days or even weeks. If that's how long it takes to make Captain Disillusion-quality content, then so be it. Good luck and here's to hoping for no more hiccups!


*whew* A miscalculation. What a relief! ... From the title, I thought this might be a report of something akin to the infamous cannibalism tragedy among the single digits that we all learned about in grade school.


lmao Reminds me of calculus homework.


Cap, can you please stop apologizing all the time, and instead say, "You're welcome for bringing awesomeness of this level into your lives. You'll get it when you get it."

Richard Neilsen

Back when I was doing my teaching rounds, there was a day when my supervising teacher was away sick, so I took his lesson and the substitute teacher (who didn't teach maths) was just a supervising licensed-teacher presence. We were learning about factorising non-monic quadratic trinomials - taking something like 6x^2-11x-10 and factorising it into (3x+2)(2x-5) I got through the whole explanation of the pretty complicated process, writing the steps up on the board and going through a couple of examples, and got the students working on some practice problems. After a few minutes one of them put their hand up because the method wasn't working. "Let's see here," I said, starting it myself. "Oh, it, uh... oh..." I had made a critical error in the procedure and it wouldn't work in a lot of cases. I had to apologise to a room of Year 10 students (who already didn't have that much respect for me, as a student teacher) and basically re-teach the whole thing. It was a disaster. So... good thing you caught the error before it went up!


Great that you spotted it on time! Thanks for your hard and awesome work!


Never ceases to impress me how much effort and commitment you put into your work. ❤


I appreciate the update, but why is your last name so confusing?

Alfie Wild

Keep at it cap!


Sorry to hear that cap, is this video related to the collaboration you alluded to earlier, or is it the other video you mentioned? Either way, I hope they both go well.


keep plugging man. The rivers of science and art meet at a lake called Time, in a city call Stress, in Divorce county. Keep the canoe going, you don't wanna stop here. If you can get through the lake, there is a pleasant stream called Success.