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I've been working on a thing the whole month, but for, uh, legally binding reasons I can't show it for a while longer.

However, I can try to describe it in sufficiently ~vague~ terms!

But also, I'm working on a different thing to make up for the delayed thing, but THAT thing, like ALL things, also takes time.

Meanwhile, there's a hurricane brewing in the Atlantic and all the possible projections of where it may hit seem to converge directly on my house.

All of that and more... discussed on a new patron-only video livestream tomorrow! I'll also be happy to answer your questions and maybe let you watch me work for a bit.

Hope you'll join me!

(If not, no worries. As always, the livestream will reincarnate as a recording accessible at the same link above.)


Edit Bay Delirium - Session 2: Hurricane Party

A month's worth of work... and why I can't show it for another 2 months.



can't wait! stay safe cap


Hi, just a bit of feedback from your last stream. I enjoyed it as I would wager did the vast majority of your audience. However your own discomfort with the format, and how entertaining everything was for your audience, was palpable. Could I make a modest recommendation? I think you might find yourself more at-ease if you weren't trying to both do your work AND manage the livestream. I think, if you had a buddy there whose job was to be the middle-person between you and your audience, it might flow better. So for example that person can do the, "so-and-so asks how do you you do XYZ?" and you can discuss it with that person. I think this could just make everything flow smoother and help you get more at-ease with the format. Anyway just my $0.02, take it or leave it.


Thanks. Yeah, I learned a bit from the first episode. I'll try to keep myself looking comfortable (which I am!) but I don't think I want to have a co-host/assistant on these streams. We do that with the audio Q&A streams and it's fun in its own way. But for this I'd like it to be a hangout between just me and the audience. I do find it challenging to do the VFX and not worry about entertaining everyone, so I might skip the work part and just interact with the viewers, we'll see.


Hi Alan/Captain, I can't find anymore but in this livestream or the first one you were talking about the app you used to make the end music of the Quick D videos, but I can't remember the name of it. Could you help me refresh my memory? Thanks!


Thanks a lot! PS: forgot to add but I really enjoyed both livestream