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Here's the recording of the live broadcast from yesterday for anyone who missed it!

(The live chat also plays back, if you watch on the YouTube page.)

A very interesting experience. I learned a lot, both technically and aesthetically. But overall, it sounds like viewers had as good a time as I did.

Looking forward to the next one!


Edit Bay Delirium - Session 1

Alan edits the next Captain Disillusion video. You help him maintain consciousness.



It was a lot of fun indeed! Who would've said you could also make livestreams with great production value... on your first try. I became a 5$ Patron for this and was not disappointed!


It was awesome! I don't know how this interferes with your workflow, but hopefully there will be more sessions like this to come in the near future. A whole stream with Q&A would also work wonders!


Had a great time both with the other Patreons and with you! Thank you so much for hosting this. I hope you know that you can relax and be yourself with us, whether you're modeling a heater or doing a Q/A. We had a blast!


It was great. Both you just being you and it had a different feel than a Q/A.


Oh, and CD, did you go to @13:00 to listen to the audio problem? I can't tell if it's because your mic is picking up your speakers, could be recording your sound card too cause it sounds like it's not very high end picking up, or even if the earphones you wore had 3 rings it could be picking up that mic? I'm unsure of your set up so it could be a little setting change. There is a freeware called Open Broadcast System(OBS) that I'd recommend looking at before next go around. I use it to transfer some old tapes to digital and heard it's great for live stream. I enjoy troubleshooting and such so you have no problems next go around on the technical side, I would like to maybe have an opportunity to help out if you need any assistance (meaning if Alan is preoccupied that is).


Yes, sorry about the doubling. It was because of a software audio loop situation, a byproduct of trying to have my music keyboard audible in the livestream (even though I never ended up playing the keyboard at all!) I'll figure out a workaround in future.


FUCK I forgot about this


Thanks for this; I look forward to more. BTW: Calling Mr. StandUpMaths a "ree-creational" (vs "rehk-reational") mathematician makes me think he uses math(s) to revive the dead, a la Jeffrey Combs in "Re-Animator".