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Hope to see you there: https://youtu.be/ysMbAs6rwb0

(But again, if you miss it, the recording will be made available!)





Did I miss it?


I was enjoying myself until your pedantic moderator ruined everything


Just to give you a bit of feedback, since I hung out for the whole thing -- you seem like you're someone that wants things to be polished and streamlined and organized. You clearly put a lot of time into producing all the little bits of the stream, to the point where some of us thought it was prerecorded for a gag :) And that meant that when you appeared somewhat unprofessional or unentertaining, you seemed anxious or nervous. That's alright, you're new to the whole thing, it's to be expected. You eventually found your balance, but it's the most fun for us, the audience, not when you're trying to be entertaining and polished, but when you let your guard down and just chill and hang with us. The big illusion of the stream is putting a lot of energy and effort into making us think we're just in your living room, having a good time. I really hope you decide to do it again, because it was a lot of fun, but if it's not your speed, I think we get that.


What did the moderator do? It really didn't seem like she was very controlling.


Well put Jasper!!!