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I didn't quite manage to finish it in time for Independence Day, but here's a.. 'merica-themed followup tutorial on shape layers, with a few more workflow tips.

If you are not signed up for the tutorials pledge level, don't worry, this is not a mistake. I just felt that since it's an "extra" video, I'll go ahead and make it available to more patrons. If you're not into motion graphics or listening to me mumble for a full 15 minutes, then feel free to skip this :)

I'm working on a ~proper~ debunking video now.

And as always, thank you for your support!


Tutorial - Building the U.S. Flag With Shape Layers

In this bonus video we take a look at how to design using shape layers with precision in mind.



Next up: Nepalese flag? ;)


Good stuff. ... As a math proselytist, I'm compelled to say "out loud" what you and many (most? all?) of your viewers already know: The star's inner-outer radius ratio derives directly from the famed Golden Ratio, phi = 1.618033...; the defining characteristic of phi is that its reciprocal is exactly one unit smaller: 0.618033.... Therefore, the digits "618" are something of a ... *flag* ... that the Golden Ratio is in play. (Pentagons are also a tip-off. The Golden Ratio is *all over* pentagons.) Someone in an appropriate mindset, then, would notice that the experimental ratio 0.38 is *awfully* close to 0.382, which is 1.000-0.618. Such a someone would be instantly rewarded with an extra digit of accuracy (and would know that arbitrary accuracy is just a golden ratio web search away).


I am watching the tutorial videos even though I am not into 3D modelling, because it's entertaining to watch how to make things working. I think when you first time showed the arithmetic input the fields, you could have just type minus and paste the number, then *2, instead of multiplying it by -1. Am I right?


Ahhh thank you for sharing with everyone... I was wondering where the prior referenced tutorial was!


On a Mac you can add a shortcut for any app, just from the settings menu, if the program does not have its own way of assigning shortcuts :)


Golden ratio proof sketch: https://imgur.com/3Z1g8f1

David Whitney

This is great. Seeing all the (to me) opaque options in use is super helpful. I do more 3D graphics and we are always transforming the upper left corner of the main object to 0,0 so all math from then on is pretty easy (no dividing by 2). This requires a final position translate of (-500, -950) to center the object again. Is this possible in AE?

Tony Hammitt

Are there names you can assign numbers, so you can say "flag height" / 2 or such? Being able to tweak things that aren't necessarily as defined as standards would be helpful.