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I started making this correction video as just a bonus joke piece, but AS USUAL I got carried away, made it needlessly elaborate and took a long time.

Now I'm kind of undecided... I feel weird about passing this off as an episode for the month, but it's also very late in the month to get a "real" episode completed by the 30th. I guess, I'll just push on and bring you the next video as soon as I'm able to finish it.

Thanks for watchin'!


CD / Interlacing ADDENDUM

Please consider supporting my videos on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion Episode to which this is an addendum:



Haha great humour in this episode. It’s closer in feeling to the regular CD episodes but still gives the technical information in an easily digestible way of CD\


That was very clever work imo. The problem I have is that I don't have any friends that own a large enough tablet... Well actually thinking about it, I don't have any friends... ...sorry, drifted off there for a second. A brilliant video I thought Capt. You got my thumbs up ;)


Love that Who framed Roger Rabbit reference :3 and I like "needlessly elaborate" if it turns out like this


That’s really cool and “responsible” and you are correct it isn’t something you put as part of the series, perhaps something more like a second channels would release.


This is one of the funniest videos you've made CD. Don't worry about getting another video this month.


I would totally accept this as the monthly content. Great job. Unfortunately I broke two phones in the watching of this video.. oh well ;)


Hands down this is one of my favorite videos. I love that you took the time to do this. CD you are the BEST.


Film schools should show your videos to students

Jaber Al-Eidan

This was INCREDIBLE. Also a legitimately solid entry on it's own.


I like it. I definitely agree, release it as your monthly video and forge on as you said.


Poor Alan!


Don't get me wrong, I like the cd / stuff you've been posting, but this one is the comic gold I come here for 😜


You can see the work that went into this, and we appreciate how much you care. I'd say this counts as a "real" episode.

Simon Pain

I love the amount of effort that's put into even a correction episode. I think I'm going to have to watch it a few times just to appreciate all the elements.

Timmo Warner

So does Capt. D put makeup on his legs, or... on second thought maybe I shouldn't delve deeper into this.

David Whitney

It's obviously makeup. Just another bit of evidence of the pains he takes in his videos. Placing all those leg hairs must have taken hours.


That was absolutely hilarious!

Dean Herbert

only you can make a correction video this entertaining.




long time fan and fellow video creator. this may be my favorite piece you've ever put out.


Of we have three arms, does the correction procedure change? Do we still need a friend? (Just wondering there, I have 4 arms so the question is not for me, just hypothetical) And I love that « mini » episode even if the correction itself is really minor, and honestly the difference between both is really dependents on the CRT itself, some have more remanence than others. Should we talk about how LCD do their refresh? You would be surprised!


Well Patreon exclusives are a second channel don’t you think? That poor Captain tease us by making roughly only one video per month, we can’t ask him to double the steam and have two channels!


This is so good that it might as well count as a regular episode! Just do it!


This was an awesome video - I love your well edited scripted videos with the meticulous details deone to the milipixel, but this is something else. This is what I want more of. (as long as it doesn't interfere with the quick Q's)


Hahah, you know what - I remember looking at that animation, and thinking I already saw a slow motion of this and it didn't take up the full screen, just faded behind the line a bit. Yeah - I had already seen the slo-mo guy's video :)


Loved the video!! Captain D you are my idol!! I have watched every single video you have on youtube at least 5 times each and i laugh everytime!! You are the funniest most entertaining channel on youtube!! This is the most fun i have had learning ever!! You should have your own tv show!!


Was the beginning of this video a bit of a dig at the recent Kurzgesagt video talking about how much effort their team puts into making everything perfect? I can imagine that sounding a bit over the top to someone doing it mostly on their own...