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Hello friends,

Thank you for your patience. Here it is! A new thing! I call it "CD /" ... Like file paths in my brain to particular technical concepts that I try to explain in the fastest and simplest way possible.

It's a slight change of vibe. Not as zany. But I wanted to try my hand at this explainer format. It will help me to produce videos quicker. Let me know what you think! And don't worry, the traditional videos I'm known for will also continue.

At the end of this intro video there are links to 2 episodes that are currently up. Here they are as well:

Tech note about the Frame Rate episode: it helps a lot if you manually set the quality of your YouTube player to the highest (1080 60p) as it makes use of HFR.

UPDATE: Fixed & replaced the title of the Aspect Ratio episode. Thanks for noticing everyone!


CD / Intro

Please consider supporting my videos on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion CD/ • Aspect Ratio - https://youtu.be/Uc0qMIp4hWM • Frame Rate - https://youtu.be/DyqjTZHRdRs



The aspect ratio title card at 0:09 mistakenly says "frame rate" :)


Nice job! Although a fresh start might have been a good time for a new "unmasked" look, too. Less time in the make-up chair and more time to make great content!


I just wondered how you exported the Frame Rate one.


Loved it! Just the right amount of technical detail.


CD doesn’t wear makeup. Perhaps you are confusing him with Alan the intern? They do look alike I suppose.


I presume it was exported at 60fps and the video was edited with lower frame rates within?


Hi Captain D. I loved every video. I learned so much, thanks to you. Did you notice the vertical black line in the video "frame rate"? please check between 2:40 to 3:19. I don't know is on purpose or not. Just to let you know.


Hey CD. Bug report. The Aspect Ratio vid has a "Frame Rate" title card.


I love the final few seconds of each one, it doesn't take the content too seriously. Great stuff!


Great idea cutting the videos off at the end. Really makes you want to click on to the next one.

Jon Biavati

I think this is a great idea, as a long time video geek it's nice to see a concise explanation I can point people to.


Aspect Ratio one “removed by the user” 😢


CD! You know how often I have to explain various frame rates to people at parties (and also work)? This video will save me SO MUCH TIME.


Also... your illustrations and graphics continue to get cleaner and more polished with time. *slow clap*


As a professional graphics engineer who has dealt with tonemapping and colorspaces and frame rates on actual real shipping video games, and loves explaining graphics techniques ( <a href="http://blog.mecheye.net/2018/03/deconstructing-the-water-effect-in-super-mario-sunshine/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://blog.mecheye.net/2018/03/deconstructing-the-water-effect-in-super-mario-sunshine/</a> ), this series is near and dear to my heart. If you ever need anyone with a more 3D/games-ish expertise, don't hesitant to reach out.


You did a great job visualizing these clearly!


Thank you for bypassing the video industry "snobbery" and basically saying "Just do/say what you want". I have worked with too many wannabe directors and film students who insist on using terminology on sets where no one cares/ isn't necessary.


oh this is cool ! I'm wondering what's going on with some words, such as 'animation' and 'interlacing' in the frame rate episode. will those be future episodes ?

Jameson Simmons

It seems to be working now. Sometimes that happens when he re-uploads the video, and he needed to correct the title on that one.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4sF0MT1TGM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4sF0MT1TGM</a> still has the old link for the link to the Aspect Ratio video in the video description.


Loving the retro styled name of CD/. Reminiscent of the old DOS command cd\ (change to root directory for the millennials).

Rob Schultz

I like these a lot. Great work, Cap!


It was worth the wait, but I'm sure glad that wait is over. Great videos!


I love it Cap, thanks!


Excellent, I'm sure this is on purpose, but all three of these videos stop suddenly on the last sentence (before you have finished speaking)... That is on purpose, right?

João Gouveia

This is great!!! I love this new format. =)


The frame rate one is sooo good! I learned more than a few new things :)


These are gonna be really useful resources for me to explain these concepts to clients!


"we're gonna talk about color spaces" oh thank god maybe I will finally understand what color space is and what does the weird triangular graph-diagram-thingy mean


In gaming, you typically play at 144hz not 60hz due to the lack of motion blur which increases ease to aim.

Marco Vujevic

\o/ thats going to be good!


The new format is great (although so short!) I would have appreciated if you had shown some more examples of framerate problems. Why does this stutter, matching framerate so a rotating object, recording a projector at wrong framerate... You skipped so fast over the problems, that I fear, somebody who doesn't know them will not get them.


Fantastic start to the series!!


In the frame rate video, you reference Spiderman Into the Spider verse when mentioning films at 24 FPS. Oddly, this film was actually done at 12FPS. (<a href="https://www.indiewire.com/2018/12/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-breaking-the-visual-rules-of-animation-1202027410/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.indiewire.com/2018/12/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-breaking-the-visual-rules-of-animation-1202027410/)</a>


These are wonderful


Sick Pete &amp; Pete reference.


The backgrounds were rendered at 24fps. The characters were animated/rendered “on 2s”, and composited over the 24fps scenes. So it’s an even cooler example of creative use of frame rate!

Ben C

"Not as zany"...*continues to zane out the membrane*. Love it!


Very compact insight ... seems to fit the brand ... I LIKE IT!! 🐭


I like it! Yeah!


It's awesome, I totally love it. More! 😁

Torsten 'what the fluff' Pihl

I'm happy to see that CD has finally gotten the quantity of subscribers and views that he's deserved for many years.


Love it!


cd isn't so unknown today. Under Linux it does the same as under DOS. And in the Windows console its still there too.


I really dig this new series. I can't wait to see more!


Is there a longer version of the intro to CD / Frame Rate? :O