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This has been one of the most difficult videos to complete! It's slightly longer and more elaborate than usual, even though I set out to make something simple. That seems to be a pattern... Let me know what you think!


Disneyland Ghost DEBUNK

Captain Disillusion is visited by a legendary icon as he attempts a thorough explanation of the viral Disneyland Ghost surveillance video mystery.



Well. This is absolutely wonderful, and very unexpected! Thank you!


Amazing, really liked this!


Once again CD, very, very nice. If the intention was to make Mickey look extra creepy as part of the animation technique I'd say job well done. His jittering really freaks me out. The voice is not too shabby either. I'll have to rewatch the detailed explanation of how VHS coding works. It's the first debunk in a while where I didn't quite catch it in one go. All around good stuff :)


Oh man, this is one of your best. So stylish. Now I'm tempted to donate more to get the behind-the-scenes video.


Video glitch ironically strikes the Captain! At least on my 1920x1080 setup, when the YouTube video is set to full screen, the Patreon plug is for "CaptainDisillusio". In embedded mode, the Flash player shows the final "n".


Amazing! I loved the Mickey character. Breaking in like that was terrific, like the "smile" he managed at the end there too. The ringtone was a great effect. I think you should have Mickey visit once in awhile as you kind of left it as a cliffhanger, will he and Minnie work it out? I care. The tech stuff was understandable, even to me. On a scale of 1-10 of tech savvy I'm like a 1.25 and I understood the bleed through, the 4 screens recorded on one VHS and the way you accidentally record over something you wanted to keep and how it would make that fuzzy screen thing when it was transitioning. And of course I loved the cameo appearance of the Wikipedia page. Long Live Wikipedia! Terrific job Alan The only thing I think you were missing was a tear. Susan


I'm going to have to disagree with the great Susan Gerbic <gulp>. I thought the Mickey bit was mostly a waste of time, I would have rather seen that time spent going into more technical details. For example, your animations show that video is laid down diagonally on the tape, but you never really mentioned why or that that's why you get that grainy fade back when the new recording ends. Did love the Wiki cameo, though, always gotta love that. Anyway, still great stuff, Captain, keep 'em coming.</gulp>


As a big South Park fan I fully expected Mickey to come and kick the crap outta you. Love it, thanks Cap. Still my favourite Sub ever.


I'd be curious to know what the "new animation technique" you used is. I assume it was for the Mickey head?


Excellent Alan! I think you've really upped your game in story telling in this one. You conveyed lots of good information very clearly and wrapped in entertaining window dressing. Awesome. I wasn't even really distracted by Mickey's boobs. :)


Mickey's got boobs ! I knew it !


Thanks for the note. Strange... I watch it in various sizes and the line is intact. Will look into it more.

Christopher G

The Mickey gag was funny and amusing. Not a wasted effort. Great episode! Also, I was hoping you would debunk that vid.


Thank you, Susan! Glad you like it. Wikipedia is a primary source of info in many of the videos! And it's also a good resource for Creative Commons images of specific technical things. There were several used in this video.


Thanks for the feedback. It's a little harsh to say the Mickey part was a waste of time. I think it's fairly entertaining and has a point behind it. And it took a lot of work. The technical explanations in this episode ran fairly long so I wanted to stay focused on the relevant aspects of VHS tech.. The reason the video signal was recorded diagonally is because it didn't fit vertically. Some higher quality tape formats had an even more extreme slant to the signal. I don't think it contributed to the gradual re-emergence of the previous recording though.


Thanks! I probably would have had Mickey beat me up if that didn't require tons more visual effects. I barely made the deadline as is! :)


Yes, it was! I know animated heads have been placed on actors plenty of time, but I'm not sure heads have been animated through this means before. Will be posting a making-off glance about it!


Wow! Absolutely loved it. Especially the fact that this episode contained a breakdown of good old VHS technology...a place I understand. Moving to Patreon has turn out to be a great move for you! Keep them coming!!!


You are a sentinel of a comment onslaught that is to come from the regular YouTube subscribers. Thank you for preparing me :P


I'm glad to have early access so I could see this video before the cease and desist letters take effect! But seriously, this is great. Thanks for making it. Just to throw my opinion into the pot, I think the silly entertaining bits like the Mickey portion make the videos great, but I also don't think it needs to be as a tradeoff from the debunking or explanatory bits. So when you say "the technical explanations in this episode ran fairly long..." I just want you to know that I think you have a long ways to go before the technical explanations are too long or too in-depth.

Timmo Warner

This may be your best video yet. Very entertaining and the explanation is something I would have never thought of by myself. I look forward to seeing how you did the Mickey head!


Ok, I'm in the minority about Mickey. I hang my head in shame . . .


In Polish, the gender of the noun "mouse" is feminine, so I grew up, like all Poles, watching "Lady Mouse Miki". And I'm pretty sure we all assumed Mickey was a girl.


This will be going up on Doubtful News as soon as it's released. Pertinent to our topics! Great job Alan.


I hate to admit it, but this was educational. I haven't messed with VHS editing in years, and I barely worked with VHS monitoring systems. I wasn't aware of he bleed-through issue. If I were to guess before viewing this, I would have said it was a reflection from somewhere off camera. That's why I leave such investigations to our silver faced professional. :)