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From the moment of this post for about 10 minutes the link to the early access video will be down because I'm replacing it with an updated version. But please check back in a bit and it will work again.

Everything was basically fine, but a couple of technical moments kept bugging me. Here's what I adjusted:

  • Raised the level of some of the background music. When I work on the sound for too long I become paranoid about dialogue clarity and end up pushing background audio too far down in some places.
  • 03:38 - Removed a strange highlight curl on the back of Holly's head. It was distracting from MY closeup.
  • 05:35 - Added a grainy film look to the 3-way split screen animation. There's already a projector sound happening, so it felt appropriate. Plus it hides the noticeable graininess of that particular render.
  • 07:07 - Removed the dipping of my dialogue that made it feel like we're about to go into Holly's thoughts. It was an odd flourish I added at the very end of working on the mix and it just didn't make any sense.
  • 09:49 - Added a background music cue to Holly's monologue. This was another case of overthinking it. I had the cue there originally but removed it, worried there's too much music. But in dead silence the exchange feels way too serious and dramatic. This is a goofy, quasi-educational sci-fi YouTube series after all.

That's it! I promise not to mess with it anymore. Time to start figuring out the next episode.



aw, i liked the little gag at 07:07


7:07, yeah, I was a bit confused to that as well, expecting something to happen haha! 9:49, I'd agree, this one definitely felt a bit more serious in tone, not that I was upset, I just though you were trying something new out! Great tweaks, I appreciate attention to detail, but I still loved the original as always!


I liked the dialogue dip at 7:07! It was totally bizarre.


It seemed very dialogue heavy for a CD video. But that maybe just me. Your attention to detail is always awesome and inspiring!


I wish the old video were left up to compare the changes. Thanks for all the great work!


Something about that curl was distracting! I also was thinking we were about to go inside Holly's head and wasn't sure if that would be cool or scary . . .


I thought it indicated that Holly was starting to drift off and then snapped back to the Cap's riveting dialogue :-)

Timmo Warner

I also liked the dialogue dip! I thought it was a BIT strange that it then went into the actual explanation, but in the meantime I was looking at Holly and how unamused she was by you. I thought it worked overall! That said, thank you for all the hard work and for paying attention to all the little details! It shows you’re really taking this seriously and it pays off!

Michael Aichlmayr

Actually I did go into Holly's head and got lost! This tweek finally pulled me out. Whew! And if you think that curl is distracting from the outside...

Michael Aichlmayr

Seriously, awesome video and even awesom... er, adjusted.


It did, and I rather enjoyed how it developed the characters' relationship. Also, it seems intentionally placed to hint at new avenue(s) possibly coming soonish.. which I really like!

Scott DePouw

Don't forget the thing about Herobrine! Indeed, a creator's work is never done. I like the detailed "patchnotes"! Can we call this version the Special Edition?


I just want to take a brief break from fluffing CD's ego to say how terrific Lauren was in this!

David Murphy

Do you have a rough dB value you aim for with the background music? I find it hard to strike a balance between it being too quiet or too loud

James Dominguez

If you ever do another special edition, please add more TIE fighters.


I love how you release patch notes on your videos!