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Hello friends,
  • If you use Discord and are annoyed, I'm sorry.
  • If you don't know what Discord is and are weirded out by the recent notifications you may have received, I'm also sorry.

But fear not, it'll all be sorted out.

Discord is a text & voice chat platform. For a while now there has existed a Captain Disillusion Discord derver, started by a fan and spun up into a sizable community. I sometimes go on there to chat with viewers and do Q&As.

Patreon has a feature that lets a creator integrate Discord so that people who become patrons automatically gain access to his/her Discord server, and to different channels therein, depending on the pledge.

I didn't have this feature enabled, but today I figured, let me enable it!

And let's just say... the logistics of how it's implemented could be improved.

Here are answers to the three questions you might currently have, to the best of my knowledge:

I received an "invitation" for this Discord thing. Do I have to do this?

Not at all. You're welcome to check it out, but ignoring the invite will not affect your patronage in any way.

I use Discord and now I've suddenly been added to your server without being asked!

I'm sorry about that. Automatic joining makes sense for new patrons, but suddenly adding existing users to the server as soon as I enabled the feature is weird. I wish Patreon didn't have it set up that way. I've heard from some people who tried to un-join the server that they got re-added back to it, but that subsequently they were able to un-join. I don't know what the deal is... but please let me know if you continue having trouble un-joining the server.

I'm glad to be on the Discord server, but I'm not able to visit the private channels my pledge entitles me to.

This seems to be a byproduct of me enabling the feature in the middle of the month. I'm hoping that the access will start to work when the month rolls over and your pledge is charged. If this doesn't happen, please let me know immediately!


This is what I get for trying to be hip and cool.


Jason A. Diegmueller

I have the opposite problem; I'd like to join the Discord server but didn't receive an invite. Can you help with that?


Same here, no invite. Probably because my Patreon is tied to Facebook. Or something. I'm sure the system isn't convoluted at all!

Jay Moretz

It looks like the "Episode Artwork" tier doesn't include the new Discord reward. Is that intentional, or part of the obviously super-intuitive setup process?


You know what, I assumed that just like the tiers themselves, the Discord permissions would be cumulative so anyone above a certain level gets everything under it, but... why would it be that logical, right? Thanks for pointing it out -- I'll add access to the artwork level manually.

Michael Aichlmayr

It's all good! Thank you for doing that!


Gasp! MORE captain-y goodness? Sign me right on. (And by that I mean I'm impatiently waiting for the month to roll over to get the invite)


Also, if I may make a suggestion, I would suggest having the server admin create a special "Captain" or "Captain Disillusion" rank and apply it only to your discord user. If there are no ranks that place ahead of it alphabetically then you'll stay up top in the server list. Just makes the whole place feel more official. (Apologies if this is already the case, I haven't gotten in yet)




discord tends to be shit hole, degenerates into a royal pain. there is no authentication on discord, and for that it is an abuser's paradise


Sounds like Discord is aptly named.


I didn’t know you were on discord :) nice


I would like very much an invite!


I am subscriber for a few month already, didn't get an invite.


I just connected my Discord account to my Patreon. Does that mean that now I have to ask for a manual new invitation or I have to wait until I'll get one automatically? ...Or could be the fact that the "Disillusion Agent Commision" tier does not include the Discord rewards?


The reddit link doesnt work for me


where is the invite link?


How do you get an invite? Been a subscriber for a while now


<a href="https://discord.gg/zdwPgNc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/zdwPgNc</a> here