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Week 1

I select the video topic and divide time between writing the script and psychologically psyching myself up for appearing on the H3 podcast.

Week 2

I travel to LA and appear on the H3 podcast. (If you were introduced to me there and decided to become a patron, welcome! And thank you so much for your support!). I spend 2 extra days in LA catching up with people I normally never get to visit.

Week 3

I land back home, directly into a puddle of flu, become extremely sick. In my zombie-like state, I resume writing the next video. Part way through prepping it, I realize that this particular topic deserves of a full month's effort, decide to postpone it until March and instead make something super simple for February.

Within a day of writing the "simple" idea, I turn it into something far more complex than the original one and refuse to admit that to myself.

I proceed to film over 3 hours of raw footage over the course of 3 different days (as opposed to the usual ~40 mins in one day).

Week 4

The cold, mathematical realities of the editing process force me to face the truth: there's no way I can finish this project by the deadline. 

Why. Why do I do this to myself? I have no sense.

Still... I think the video is really weird and fun, and worth the wait.

Thank you for your patience.




Captain, we all know you are a perfectionist and a crazy person. It's what we love about you. It's what makes your videos stunningly excellent! And, at least in my case, it's why I'm a patron! Just don't beat yourself up. I'm sorry you were so sick and I hope you're feeling better now!


Thanks for the update! Looking forward to seeing the result. Hope you're feeling better.


This is so relatable, no matter what someone's current level is. Anyway hope you're feeling better Captain and don't push yourself too much!


"MONSTER 07"...hard drive name?


Thanks for the update and hope you get better soon!!!


You've got my patience. Take the time you need. :) Looking forward to seeing it next month.


By the way, it was really cool seeing you on H3 podcast (had never seen a podcast of theirs before). I really enjoyed hearing more about you: "the man behind the Captain" Good job!


Take all the time you need, cap.


Can't wait :)


It's hard to tell if you read these comments sometimes, but just wanted to say CD is great because of your effort. If you delivered to a deadline regardless of quality it'd just suffer for it, so as others said, take your time.


Hey, it's February. You technically have ~3 extra days before it's officially late anyway.


its cool Cap!


Probably a Monster Digital external drive. Or perhaps an oblique reference to 'A Monster Calls'; who knows... ;)


I'm a little worm on the big hook that is YouTube but this gave my validation. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one dealing with this kind of anxiety. Hope you don't mind but I'm going to show my wife this so she can roll her eyes at me and say "I told you so"


Im addicted to the game patience