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Hey everyone,

I'm doing a rather light-hearted episode about a "challenge" trend from last month. One of the videos I want to highlight has been passed around so much, I'm finding it hard to track down the original source...

Anyone want to give it a shot?



How did he do this?? Invisible boxes



I know how it's done, haha! Because I've seen Cap's video...


Found a 26 second version of the clip here, don't know how much it helps but hey anything for the D <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/7lx68n/mastering_the_invisible_step_move/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/7lx68n/mastering_the_invisible_step_move/</a>


I believe it has something to do with highschool cheerleaders. I saw it when my family had the news on a few weeks ago.


I don't know but I'm sure looking forward to it being debunked!! Never seen it...


Google image searching the first frame of the video also pulls up about a dozen twitter posts with hundreds of WOOAH reaction gifs, been scouring them to see if somebody credits the original <a href="https://twitter.com/wshhfans/status/945795946662842368?lang=en" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/wshhfans/status/945795946662842368?lang=en</a>

Benedict Marko

Michael Jackson would've annihilated the Invisible Box challenge ^^ Yes, the one found by Redasylum - which seems to be identical to this one: <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6c7r47" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6c7r47</a> was the earliest I found, too.


While I can't find the original, there are similar videos all over Chinese and Korean YouTube-alikes such as the second guy in this video (I think? That seems more VFX than skill with the first guy being a distraction): <a href="https://m.v.qq.com/play.html?&amp;vid=k0527h1amrc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.v.qq.com/play.html?&amp;vid=k0527h1amrc</a> Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Searched for Invisible box (隐形箱子) Walk on air (走在空中) and Monk step (和尚一步) on a few streaming services hoping to find it on one of the Asian streaming video services while others searched YouTube and the like.


I think I may have found it (or at least a good lead): <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh1-50cR1GM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh1-50cR1GM</a> Korean video uploaded on 12/21. The title translates to "Yoo Se-yoon Transparent Box Challenge" - Yoo Se-yoon is apparently a comedy show host. I don't know if the attribution is genuine or if this channel just aggregates potentially viral videos and gives them a random tag line. I tried searching on baidu, meipai, naver, and chinese/korean google with image searches on the video frame and variations on titles I came across. This is the best I could find - it's the least compressed.


Ooh! Hint for sources! If you have Google Chrome, try using a new "incognito tab" before searching. That way it won't try to search based on your search history (won't customise results)


Alan, what's your goal here exactly? Do you just need a better quality video for debunking or do you actually want to find the original source?


I think this is just an off-camera trick. There is something that he can grab whith his left hand and sustain his body without falling while he pretend to climb the invisible boxes. He only raises his arms during the successfull attempt


Damn, the Internet detective skills being demonstrated here are impressive. Couldn't have a better crew of sleuths!