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(header pic courtesy of @el_sheenis on Twitter)

Hi patrons!

I've just returned from Sydney, where I spoke at Skepticon 2017. Things were pretty frantic leading up to the trip as I rushed to prepare & practice my presentation. Even on the plane. Even on the morning of my appearance!

But it went well and there were lots of other interesting speakers at the event. Here's a backstage pic of me with a few of them (Leigh Nicholson, Cara Santa Maria, Ketan Joshi and Ruth Ellison whose husband took the photo. The baby's name is Sagan. May or may not be a reincarnation of Carl Sagan. Not sure who the last guy is...) to prove that all of this really happened.

I'd never been to Australia before, so after the conference, I stuck around for a couple of days to see the city and hang out with local friends. Here I am with Richard Saunders of the Skeptic Zone podcast, about to get on a ferry that goes past the Sydney Opera House.

Here I am by the Sydney Opera House.

Let's see, what else...

Oh, here I am with YouTube legend Natalie Tran (communitychannel), an almost supernaturally funny and pleasant person. She took me to a cool vegan burger place.

I was also taken to a fascinating zoo/sanctuary of local rescue animals by Eran Segev, president of Australian Skeptics, but I totally spaced on taking a picture with him! How stupid of me. Here's a sleepy koala though:

The best news is: Think Inc, the company that organized Skepticon, has kindly agreed to let me post the recording of my talk on my channel! I still need to receive the footage from them and put it together (not an easy task as apparently they filmed in 4K!) but hopefully we are on track for a pretty strange half-hour video as this month's official episode.

I've also got a few more extras from the BTTF Ami collab to share with you so stay tuned!




Can't wait to see the talk!


Nice! Hope you had a fun time :)


Super awesome! So happy for you!!


Totally awesome photos! Everyone loves a sleepy koala! ^_^ A 4K Talk?! Please take your time with that, I know how hard it was to edit that last talk you did, but I know that's gonna be worth the wait :) Did you do another freeze-frame laugh at the end? That killed me! xD And more BTTF Extras?! That's never a bad thing! NOW I just feel like watching that episode again! :D P.S Vegan Burgers rule! <3


So, you and Natalie Tran are a thing now? I see you like her every second tweet.


Where you off to next, hitching a ride in CD's intergalactic flying machine? Are they quite sceptical in China these days?