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This week I mostly worked on finishing Murder, which was detailed in the update to last week's post a couple days ago. This update is a bit smaller since it contains the work done over just the past
few days.

This weekend I focused on trying to make the night more doable and ended up deciding that I will simply have the event have its own separate difficulty scaling system. Every loss in game will reduce the difficulty of the even by reducing the mk of the bots by .2 each, to a minimum of 0 mk. This will be reset when the player wins a single game, or when the game is reset. I'm also considering scaling the difficulty based on how close it is to Halloween, however since I'm going to be missing the Halloween release this year I will either put that on hold or I will be adjusting the dates temporarily.

I'm also looking at adding a small tutorial excerpt for achievements so that players can see in game how to achieve them. Since I'd like to have a separate achievement for beating Helloween at full difficulty I need somewhere to explain how to control the difficulty for the event. Some of the older achievements also have the tutorial text baked into the description which is less than ideal.


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