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This weekend I was mostly planning about about the potential transition off of Unity's platform towards Unreal and learning the new engine. However, before that and since then I have been working on fixing and polishing up Helloween.

As some pointed out in the Discord only Bonnie is currently the only "Seducable" bot and she will teleport away from Springtrap before Springtrap gets to her to seduce here. That was due to a last minute switch in the logic which has been fixed, however after doing some further testing myself I've found that Springtrap's boss mode here needs work.

She's currently very buggy (although, more accurately everyone around her is buggy while she tries to stop them) and I won't be able to fix her before Tomorrow so I thought I'd just share my design goals and the issues I'm now aware of, then make a midweek update once she's done.

First, as a broad note: effective use of Springtrap will be instrumental in making Helloween beatable, I really like the concept of having the strategy revolve around deciding what 5 other bots you take on at one time. She will also select her first target immediately when the night begins at random, so there is some element of chance as to what the player's opening looks like.

Second, during Helloween Springtrap will now teleport to her seduction targets and immediately start seducing them. It's just not feasible for her to have to walk from one end of the showroom to the other when the other bots are sprinting at Mach-5 or teleporting.

Third, Springtrap needs to disable Foxy and Chica's boss effects as well as interrupt Bonnie's teleport. This is effectively a bug that was originally an oversight due to boss modes not being stoppable under any circumstances. Foxy swapping back to herself while she's being seduced doesn't make sense, Chica is just as deadly if she's still swapping the camera away from herself, and Bonnie teleporting away nullifies her seduction.

In addition to Springtrap I'm once again looking at Chica, she's still the most annoying bot to deal in part because her mechanic can't really be avoided and how it takes control away from the player. I'm going to be looking at reworking her mechanic. Right now the plan is to have her "charge up" her camera switch, indicated by a yellow glow around the camera when looking at her. If the player looks away from her it will reset, if they look too long it will swap away from her.



Unity ruined there business with there new policy, its best that you indeed move to a new platform all tho it sucks bec most platform work different so that a new learning curve