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This week I worked on polishing the Bonnie and Springtrap boss mode mechanics as well as fixed some miscellaneous bugs.

Bonnie will now switch to different animation depending on where she teleports to. If she teleports to the couch she will sit down next to Springtrap, if she teleports next to Foxy she will lay down next to Foxy. Bonnie has also received a bug fix that will cause her tablet to appear once again, this is something that was removed long ago that I forgot to fix.

Boss mode Springtrap will now max out the seduction meter of a bot as she walks away from that bot. I've decided that that's going to be the entirety of her boss mechanic as the previous idea I had of having her log you out of the tablet turned out to be more annoying than challenging.

I've also fixed a couple bugs that were still present in the desk setup: when placing multiple items they will now all be loaded to their appropriate spot. They were previously spawning on top of each other, effectively making it only possible to "place" a single item of each type. The number in the top right of the furniture icons will now also correctly show the amount of items left in the inventory.

Next week I'll be working on Chica and Puppet's boss mode, I've decided to leave Fredrika since it's going to be the final night and will have spoilers for the story. I'm working on balancing out the boss mode bots, currently Mangle seems to be a difficulty spike so she will most likely be tuned down in a later update after all of the other bots are implemented and I can see how they progress. 



how do you do the boss modes?


Each story night between 15 and 21 has a different bot in boss mode. Only some of them have their mechanics fully implemented: Bonnie, Foxy, Springtrap, and Mangle. For the others they're partially implemented, they are more difficult and can't be disabled by dildos or other means.