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This week I finished my add on for animating Unity Events within Blender, used the new add on to add events to the fixed Chica and Puppet scenes, and did some bug fixes.

The blender addon will allow me to focus on animating within Blender instead of worrying about puppeteering events into animations after the fact. It's a much more efficient approach which will mean I no longer have to take a week to add events like sound effects to new game over scenes, I can make them while I work on the animation. It is also a much better approach for scalability as I am now able to add events to NLA strips within blender, meaning if I have an animation which is a series of repeated actions (i.e. humping) I can add the events into the repeated action and every time that action repeats so will the event. For example if I had a 6 second animation with 6 humps in it and I wanted to extend it to 12 seconds for added variety, I would previously have to add 6 more seconds of events. With the new approach I make the sound effect events on the 1 second loop and can repeat that one second as many times as needed without having to puppeteer in new events.

The Chica femdom scene's second stage was remade in the process of testing the new addon, hopefully as an improvement over the old one.

Finally I fixed a bug that caused the achievements from the previous save system to not be imported to the new one. The first time you load into the game with this version or later it will import the achievements from the old save system. Springtrap still has buggy behavior on higher difficulties, I've hopefully lessened the frequency of her breaking but I still need to fix some things. 


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