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This week I finished all the bug fixes related to the addition of the new map. The new map should be ready for story mode as well as arcade mode. I also added a couple quality of life updates:

The control deck will now update whenever Fredrika turns off a light, so that the on/off button correctly display the current state of the light.

Added controls for the puppet to the maintenance room since she can now be seen from there. 

Hopefully it goes unnoticed, but I've updated the API used by the game to .net 4.x. If you run into any bugs let me know in discord, by PM, or e-mail.

Finally, I retouched every game over scene (except for Foxy's old Game over) having them take place in the new game map. Scenes which take place in the office will also use your saved furniture positions for extra immersion. On the back end I'm working towards having everything done in the same scene which should reduce file size and complexity.



How do I extract this file is there a certain way


I recommend winrar, just google "winrar" and it should be the first result.


The game is saying my access code is invalid, can you help me?


You should be able to click the "Log in to Patreon" button on the main menu, the old system of using access codes is being removed. Let me know if the login method works for you.


thanks for the quick response, been a bit since I tried a demo and didn't know that the change happened.


No worries, just a reminder to me that I need to remove the old UI to avoid confusion.


hey, I just noticed a bug where right click dosent work at all on anything for me. I am using a laptop, would that be an issue (though it hasn't before)?