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Sorry for the late update, I've been stuck attempting to fix one final bug in the game which would seemingly cause the player to lose control of the tablet and be unable to turn. My best guess is that the game was incorrectly assuming that the turning animations of the player's camera were no longer important after that camera was no longer being rendered after clicking on a room. So that when the camera was switched back to the office the player's camera would immediately stop animating making it seem that the game was completely unresponsive. I've flagged the player's camera to always be animated and that seems to have fixed the issue.

Other than that I worked on fixing the many many bugs arising from inserting the new map into the old scene. Arcade mode should be playable again, story mode still needs to be tested. I want to do some small touch ups to the story mode dialog box since I'm hoping it will come in handy for the holiday event I'm hoping to add.

Finally, the poll results are in and the winner was a threesome featuring a boob job with Mangle and the Puppet. That will be the priority for the next update. Right now my priorities in order are: the new Mangle/Puppet scene, finishing the game map implementation (I want all game over scenes to be moved to the new map as well), the holiday event, and finally the new foxy scene.


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