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Thank you so much for your support! Your contribution is enabling me to grow as a developer and make better games as a result!

If you have any problems redeeming your rewards send me a PM or e-mail contact@smutcube.com.

Weekly updates are posted every Friday night (some times Saturday morning).
To be able to play these builds you just need to download them from the post, unpack the game folder with a program like WinRar or 7-Zip, and launch the program with Fredrika's face labeled "FNAF.exe". Once in just click the "Login To Patreon" button, restarted the game, and you should see then see a "Play" button on the main menu.

As a leather tier patron you have access to cheats!
After following the above steps on a patron, or public build you should be able to see a "Cheats" sub menu from the bottom of the settings menu. The cheats are mostly self explanatory but if you have any questions feel free to PM me or contact me on discord.

You're also entitled to have your alias added to the list of credits! You can submit your names from within F*NAF by going to "Patron Rewards" and clicking "Submit Name".

Follow this guide from Patreon to link your discord account and your Patreon account: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-

Once your accounts are linked you should automatically be invited to the Discord Server.
Added: 2024-01
Thank you so much for your support! Your contribution is enabling me to grow as a developer and make better games as a result!

If you have any problems redeeming your rewards send me a PM or e-mail contact@smutcube.com.

Weekly updates are posted every Friday night (some times Saturday morning).
To be able to play these builds you just need to download them from the post, unpack the game folder with a program like WinRar or 7-Zip, and launch the program with Fredrika's face labeled "FNAF.exe". Once in just click the "Login To Patreon" button, restarted the game, and you should see then see a "Play" button on the main menu.

You're also entitled to have your alias added to the list of credits!
You can submit your names from within F*NAF by going to "Patron Rewards" and clicking "Submit Name".

Follow this guide from Patreon to link your discord account and your Patreon account: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-

Once your accounts are linked you should automatically be invited to the Discord Server.
Added: 2024-01
Thank you so much for your support!

To get your access code and unlock the patron rewards inside F*NAF:
Download the beta build from the most recent post and extract it anywhere you'd like. Then open the FNAF.exe program and click "Patron Rewards" from the main menu, then click the "Get Access Code" button and follow the prompts to sign in to Patreon.

If you're leather tier or higher:
Make sure to join the discord to get access to the nightly builds that are posted there! Follow this guide from Patreon to link your discord account and your Patreon account: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-
Added: 2023-01