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Hey guys,im kinda back from hiatus,though my situation has gotten worse,im lucky to have good friends to help out,and let me borrow their wifi so i can work and upload when available. but on to to why minor changes- Since im still not working from home i wont be able to work on big projects for long periods of time so ill only be focusing on the rewards for you guys and try to squeeze in daily doodles in between that. I will also be switching back to monthly since the auto patron payday has passed. ill be uploading what i owe once this is posted and i look forward to working on you're rewards for this month,especially those who stayed and hoped for my return.


Eddie Murphy

Glad you're more or less back! Still very crappy that your situation hasn't improved, and I feel bad for you about it. I hope it begins to improve soon. In any case, I'll be happy to see more art from you, but I hope you don't do it and stretch yourself too thin! Most of your followers understand. Cheers, mate.


Glad to see you're doing alright! Hope things get better for you soon. I understand not working on big projects, I'll keep my rewards simple to ease the workload. Just don't overwork yourself, ok?