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Sadly for the past few months iv been with a barley stable living/working environment, and as of the recent 2 weeks it has reached a all time low,so i will be going on hiatus till i reach a point of stability again and can work without the issues i was forced to deal with. Till then i will be workin what i owed from may,and uploading those.



I hope everything works out for you.


Yeah :c I am really sorry to hear that. Hope things work out soon.


Best of luck to you

Eddie Murphy

That's cat, mate :-( If there's anything we can do, donations or something to help you out, I wouldn't be opposed. Hope things get sorted for you soon, mate. Cheers to you.


Oh, bummer. I do hope everything works out for the best Avante, take care dude. :(


really sucks man, hope things turn around for you soon