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You know the drill - post your clips of 15 seconds or less here & upvote with the heart the ones you want on the show intro.  Tips:

1) link the actual clip at the time stamp so we can quickly play it -- if you just link us to "My Cousin Vinny" and say "play the part about the two utes," we're not gonna do that

2) choose good quality audio



"I Hate the Supreme Court!" https://youtu.be/PCyMkgqY2FM?t=51




https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0?t=102 5 seconds long Elwood Blues: Illinois Nazis. Jake Blues: I hate Illinois Nazis.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8ePnWdi5qhw&feature=youtu.be From seconds 27-32. Fantastic Mr.Fox. Kylie: I don’t know what you’re talking about, but it sounds illegal


"When did I, a corporate lawyer with 15 years of experience with this firm, suddenly become a jaunty cat burglar stealing from the rich?" "That would be cool." "That would be cool, thank you Lola." Leverage: Redemption, Season 1, episode 2, 00:02:48 (Here's the clip) https://app.box.com/s/vsna2av48o3doxixbmv0ihubcjmm1etn


Can I nominate Andrew himself? https://www.patreon.com/posts/oa677-our-hit-on-77349993 32:36 "Because of a law thing I now realize I need to explain, but I did not think I had to explain at the time!" (How do I change my Patreon name to "Contract Interpretations Are Not Originalist"?)


I hope I'm not too late. Everyone has a right to hang a pair of bear arms on their wall. From Family Guy https://youtu.be/sRGp0S7qZLw