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In part two of this two-part episode, we continue to address every unique listener question posted to the Opening Arguments Facebook page relating to the impending Trump presidency.

So if you're wondering whether Trump will be impeached, if Obama can recess appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, about the future of the ACA, or what Trump's Supreme Court might look like -- well, this is (the continuatio of) the show for you.

Remember that patrons got early access to this show and will continue to get all sorts of fun bonus benefits!  Please consider supporting the show.

Show Notes & Links

  1. Trump's terrifying list of his 21 potential Supreme Court nominees is here.

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Dammit. I knew that (the Z, not the Phillip).


Hey Andrew, I had a clarification question about something said in the last OA episode. You mentioned that although Trump might not be subject to conflict of interest laws as President he might be subject to those laws as the owner of his company. It is my understanding that the Trump organization is a privately held organization. Would anyone have standing to bring a shareholders derivative lawsuit in that case? Are those types of suits only available when a company is publicly traded?


Great question, and one which I summarized a bit lightly. Although I was discussing rules from the standpoint of a publicly-held company, any shareholder may bring a derivative lawsuit, including shareholders of a closely-held (private) corporation. That being said, on a practical basis, if the only Trump organization shareholders are Trump family members, there may be no actual risk. I don't know who all owns shares in the Trump organization, though; there might be long-standing executives with an ownership interest.