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No doubt you've heard the huge news – Adnan Syed has been released. So what happened? Is there really new evidence? New suspects? Does this mean he didn't actually kill Hae? Find out!
Then, big news in the Nara-Lago case! We recorded a breakdown before the 11th Circuit granted DoJ's appeal, and then Andrew was able to record a follow up after! So, tons of stuff in today's show!
Links: Other Postconviction Review, OA107: Adnan Syed Obviously Did It, State v. Syed 2019, Motion to vacate, DOJ Trump reply




I vote to never have cases popularized by true crime shows covered on the show. Not because of anything the show has done. 100% based on the people obsessed with it. I'm sure I will get out voted and that's fine. Other cases may not have a fan base filled with so many unpleasant people.

Civil Politics Radio dot com (Fridays at 6pm EST on Valley Free Radio)

People are really worked up about this one case, which is, after all, quite unusual, full of compelling characters, and is high stakes but in a cozily small scale. Which is to say, it's nothing like how our criminal justice system normally works. I would recommend people listen to season 3 of Serial, in which Ms. Koenig spends a year covering the criminal courts in Cleveland OH, and which paints a rather different picture.


I won’t say more than, I was very disappointed in your episode and the conclusions you’ve drawn. Also Adnan was offered to be released if he admitted guilt, and he turned it down. If he knows he did it, it makes no logical sense to reject the offer. Other innocent people (West Memphis Three) have taken deals they didn’t like while protesting innocence. But turning down the opportunity merely to save face? I don’t see a sane person making that choice. He stayed in prison 3 more years (and at the time) didn’t know he’d ever get out. https://www.thedailybeast.com/serial-star-murderer-adnan-syed-was-offered-a-plea-deal-hbo-doc