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Hey ohhhhh we reviewed She-Hulk! Warning, you may not like us when we're reviewing a beloved show of yours.




Re: Diplomatic immunity. Thomas may have been recalling the case of Gueorgui Makharadze. In 1997 he was deputy ambassador to the US from the Republic of Georgia. One night while driving drunk, he ran up onto a Washington, DC sidewalk killing a person and injuring four others. The fact that he had diplomatic immunity would normally have prevented his prosecution, but the US successfully pressured Georgia to waive the immunity in this case, which almost never is done. (The assertion of immunity is a right of the country, not the individual diplomat.) He served three years of a 21-year sentence in a North Carolina prison and then served two more years in a Georgian prison before being released.


I loved the show (especially Madisynn with two Ns and a Y but it's not where you think), but I appreciate your expert analysis nevertheless.